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Posts posted by Rachefluch

  1. Hey there,
    2nd attempt to this, if anyone of this inhumanly managed gaming community including the very badly underpaid code monkeys and forum staff read this, you may think about changing your life for the better if you read it til the end. At the very least: teach people that gaming addiction is good for the publishers pockets but very terrible for everyone else.

    As you might have already guessed by the title of this post, i have finally managed to say byebye to bns with no regrets after all.

    Some might now think "oh well he is still writing here, he didnt quit at all".

    Also knowing some negativ people of this playerbase that roam around this forum only to spam stupid stuff, some of you might think "oh lets wait so we can troll him with nonsense".

    So i finally quit this game with no regrets, obviously i had better stuff to do, but TBH, doesnt everyone here have one or two better things to do than gaming?

    What do i mean by "quitting": I refuse to spend more time repeating the same and same very unrewarding stuff in this game. This game needs to become much much more creative to be able to give you any rewards for your time invested and your user efforts.

    In particular: i refuse to do dailies, weeklies, raids of any sort, events of any sort and or even any part of the story or side story line that are very uncreative and unrewarding.

    Some of you might think "its kinda obvious, you quit, so ofcourse you stopped doing any of these activities", this is obvious, but whats not obvious to most is: you need to think about all the different artificial dopamin happy hormon creators that your brain releases with any of these activities above.
    Its an addiction, a gaming addiction, this game is creating a psychological gaming addiction within you by nudging you into unrewarding repetitions subconsciously.

    And the first way out is: i refuse to become happy through any of what this very already very badly ruined game has to offer.


    Unless, the game improves - and i dont mean it on the annual financial report, which it probably wont, - but actual gaming quality, which also probably wont, unless that happens, all it does is wasting everyones time and efforts.


    This game is not cutting it for most of you to, give you the pleasure you seek, or the relieve you seek, because it is constructed in this way: so you dont get any good rewarding feelings from it directly but build unhealthy habits. In fact, all it ever does is nudging you into creating bad habits of repeating the actions mentioned above.


    I know now, so i tell you now: there are many better things to do.


    So i dont expect you to quit, but just do this whenever you think "not this repeated crap again" during any daily, weekly, raid of any sort, event of any sort or storyline or gaming on alts that feels unrewarding, take a break from this game and do the fofllowing:

    - Start to learn for your studies, there will be a time after corona, when you must absolutly start to progress your studies again.

    - Start to work, there will be a time after corona, when you must absolutely get productive again and earn money

    - Start to Workout, there will be a time when you feel that backpain again, or your knees and you better start to do that as early as possible, since aging will make it much harder for you to workout later, what better start than right now?

    - Start your hobby: Whatever it was that you always dreamed of learning or doing, a human has over 250 hidden talents, so why not uncover some of them for yourself, right now?

    As a future advice: dont think blade and soul will ever change for the better any time in the future, it simply is unlike to ever change in that direction.

    Ultimately the unreal engine 4 release will give you a very boring version of this game on a mobile plattform, that will be much much less entertaining than it already isnt for you now. So dont expect the publisher to think about your lifes desires and dont let this game decide when you are supposed to achieve artificial dopamin releases by quests, raids, collectables, or micro-transactions.

    Dont think its too late quitting now, since you will always be better off quitting this nonsense game once and for all as early as possible, at any given moment from now on and in the future.

    In the very least, you should be the one to decide that for yourself!


    Kind Regards, Taraxa

  2. Le 24/7/2020 à 14:26, ImoutoMaster a dit :

    Can i ask you why ? it dosent give you any kind of reward. Maybe for achivement ?


    I dont flame you NC decided to bring in PVP without giving any kind of reward for this. If we had some reward i would happily kill all the afk players too but for me its just a huge waste of time.

    I really dont know how it is in NA, but in Eu we are savages and we all hate each other. So fromm when a pvp event ends, til the next pvp starts, you have a huge list of people that really kicked your bucket too heavily and they deserve to die.

    And then you realize: wait, cant I just tell people that if they discrminate me in the ugliest form possible on f8 or weeklies, that I would surely kill them next pvp zone?
    And then you realize: wait i havent had this much fun in four freaking years of blade and s*.

    and then you realize: wait, didnt NCS make this event so redicolous, so that you will stop grinding pve, and start grinding pvp?

    And then you realize: wait, dont they all deserve to die?

  3. Am 23.7.2020 um 12:26 schrieb Zuzuzuzuzu:

    To be clear i do not defend ncsoft, i really hate them  but guys sometimes when i see this kind of post make me wondering why you play the game .
    Now before you start hating me, i can say STOP BEING LAZY , PLAY ,LEARN and you will get rewarded . 

    "wondering why other people still play this game", when you are a an elist a* yourself.
    You make me wanna jump into nyraka and kill some more elitist a*s like you.

    You are the representing the reason for why people quit this game for good in the first place.

    Nevermind defending ncsoft, better defend your own petty reasons for still playing this game: you seem to get your high from pure discrimination, in the ugliest form that it can exist.
    Why am i so tilted? Well its a nobrainer, but maybe a braindead monkey would understand if you explained it well enough for him, so here it goes:
    These changes in the weeklies spell doom for all non-1,7k aps

    Just play with some alts, or lower geared: you cant even do s* anymore, you cant even get into botany without better gear and the empathy of the raid lead, but the steel pleb raid is supposed to substitute snowjade. Jeah well, but there is a huge difference between them: snowjade does not require anything, steelraid is 2k+ for most elitist idiots.

    Same as HH btw, that not even most high-geared are willing to do, so you can finish a stupid 7 weekly challenge.


    And dont bother giving me another speech of your elitist crap, i rather search for you on nyraka and kill you for what you have already said.



    Kind Regards, Taraxa

  4. Am 22.7.2020 um 22:18 schrieb JonJonPoPong2:

    Its not other players killing them its freezing up at 3 FPS and dien to monsters. ADD MORE ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ CHANNELS 

    oh how much you are wrong about this. xD me and many others went on the killing spree the second this event started.

    yes please, add more channels, means more people to kill.

  5. Hallo, der Support meinte im Ticket, ich dürfe es hier gerne posten, also tue ich das hiermit.


    Ich habe mir wieder viele Gedanken gemacht, weshalb manche Änderungen von Ihren Code-Monkeys unbeachtet bleiben und dachte mir Ihnen vielleicht nochmal einen Anstoß für Ihr Quality Assurance Team zu geben, falls denn eines überhaupt existiert.

    Mir ist schon bewusst, dass die meisten Resourcen lieber in gewinnbringende Projekte investiert werden, sofern diese direkt quantifizierbar sind, jedoch habe ich wie auch Sie bestimmt im Studium gelernt, dass man beide Vorteile, also Hard- und Soft-Benefits, bei der Planung von IT Projekten beachten sollte!

    Falls Sie jemals gedenken sollten doch mal auf Ihre Kunden zu hören und Ihr mangelhaftes, defektes Produkt zu verbessern, schauen Sie doch mal rein. Ihre Kunden haben sich schließlich bereits die Mühe gemacht Ihr Product Backlog und Ihre Use Cases für die funktionellen Anforderungen eines optimierten Produktes zu sammeln. Sollten Sie also auch nur einen einzigen, kompetenten Product Manager in ihrem Project Office haben, der sich auch nur in der Quinteffenz mit IT Projektportfogliomanagement auskennt, lassen Sie ihn bitte auf diese Liste schauen. Er wird Ihnen bestimmt danken, dass Sie ihn nicht ständig mit lästigen Mobil Game Content Ideen belästigen.



    Wichtigste zuerst:
    - Unreal Engine 3, ihr Spiel ist leider absolut miserabelst optimiert, es spielt auch keine Rolle welche Hardware man kauft, denn es gibt keine Schnittstellen zu diesen. Das Spiel auf Ihrem Frontierserver ist bereits mieserable und schlecht optimiert und ein billiges Mobil Game in das neue Unreal Engine 4-Korsett zu zwängen wird in 2 Jahren unweigerlich zum Scheitern führen. Leider wird Ihnen die Unreal Engine 4 nicht helfen, denn nach derzeitigem Stand wird Ihr Mobil Game nicht für Unreal Engine 4 optimiert sein und genauso miserable werden wie das auf Unreal Engine 3.

    - Customer Relationship Management, verbessern Sie Ihre Kommunikation mit dem Kunden, Ihr Support ist leider weitesgehend blind für selbst die simpelsten Anfragen. Zudem nehmen die täglichen Ingame Belästigungen bereits kriminelle Ausmaße an!

    - Resource Management: Ihre Server sind bei jedem größeren Update garnicht auf die neuankommenden Kunden vorbereitet, geben Sie bitte gescheite Resourcen frei.


    Weiterhin empfehle ich Ihnen dringend eine agile Softwareentwicklungsmethode zu verwenden. Zur Auswahl stehen KANBAN für kleinere Maintenance-Projekte und SCRUM für größere Verbesserungen, die ein gesamtes Team benötigen. Ich befurchte allerdings, dass Sie keines der beiden o.g. verwenden, weil Sie in Ihrem Forum von "conservativen" Herangehensweisen sprechen. Sie sollten natürlich wissen, dass das Wasserfallmodell bei 90% aller IT Projekte zum Scheitern führt. Falls nicht, jah Sie wurden hiermit gewarnt.


    Vielen Dank vorab und bei Fragen oder Anregungen können Sie mich gerne kontaktieren.


    Liebe Grüße




    PS: Da auch Ihre Konkurrenten gerne mal auf ihre Spieler hören, wäre es doch garnicht schlecht, wenn dies bei Ncsoft ebenfalls passierte. (quelle: https://apps.derstandard.de/privacywall/story/2000117682269/assassins-creed-sohn-von-ceo-sorgte-dafuer-dass-das-spiel)

  6. On 5/22/2020 at 3:23 PM, Hime said:

    We are conservative when it comes to introducing new systems. I will agree the system should evolve to suit the needs and economy of the game.

    Lets see if that is really true: Conservatism is a political and social philosophy promoting traditional social institutions in the context of culture and civilization.

    That means: seeing there is some sort of sense and civil impulse to actually believe something is true and seen true by the majority of a certain population.

    Yet I dont quiet see anyone of the actual staff playing the game, soo I am not quiet sure if conservatism really holds true for that.


    Lets see what else fits here:

    Defective Product - Is an imperfection in a product that has a manufacturing or design defect, or is faulty because of inadequate instructions or warnings.

    unreasonable - not guided by or based on good sense.

    blindness - the state or condition of being unable to see because of injury, disease, or a congenital condition. (i agree very much with the very last part)

    Ignorance - lack of knowledge or information.

    Capitalism - Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit.

    Stupidity - behaviour that shows a lack of good sense or judgement.

    empty promises - A promise that is either not going to be carried out, worthless or meaningless.

    Agile software development - Agile software development comprises various approaches to software development under which requirements and solutions evolve through the collaborative effort of self-organizing and cross-functional teams and their customer/end user (SCRUM&KANBAN)


    Huh, look at that, maybe should adopt that to your Q&A sessions for a change, you might finally come up with honest answers for finding out why most of your customers have already quit your game and why the margins have dropped so much.


    You must really believe we are all dumb, teenagers, that have never learned how to programm, quality control or reason right?


    WELL GUESS WHAT, some people have studied and know a lot more about your faulty game than you do.

    MAYBE its time you start to listen to us NOW.


    Constructive criticism - the process of offering valid and well-reasoned opinions about the work of others, usually involving both positive and negative comments, in a friendly manner rather than an oppositional one.

  7. Hi there,

    I would like to suggest an upgrade to the current autofarm function, that has been accessable during the last ebon realm event.

    Can you please include a toggle function for targetting players when turning on pvp mode during auto-farm?


    It would make my job of clearing the zones of this toxic trash community so much easier, if i could leave my game running only targetting other players.


    See you on next pvp event.



    Kind Regards



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