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Posts posted by MCOnyx

  1. On 9/11/2019 at 12:37 PM, CookieDAce said:

     So if your computer is missing some files to run everything properly it have to emulate the files, this causes shutters.

    Tho I do agree with rest of stuff, this is pure nonsense sorry, if you're missing some file (runtimes, core-dll's w/e) software won't work, emulating missing files is just nonsense and cannot be responsible for stutters.

  2. Under Game-> Camera options, disable: "Use Reflex Context Guide" and "Display Contextual Action Prompts", should help with problems at joint attacks with bosses.

    It's not ideal, since you're new player, because you need to know when to CC, but it helps.


    Though I really think there's some memory leak with UI since Awaken patch, because when i hover in UI over item or Transmute tab, fps drops from 100+ fps to low 30 or less. 

    Move mouse away or close inventory and fps back to normal. Happens everytime, tho I never bothered to report it under bugs section. Wonder if it's only me?

    Also just closing map gives 10+ fps, game's UI needs serious bug-checking and optimization.

  3. Find "game mode" or "PC mode" in TV settings and enable it, also disable any post processing on the TV (noise reduction, interpolation etc), any kind of processing on TV will raise your input lag, which can be a problem on TV's as monitor.

    Disable scaling in your GPU drivers, guess you have 4k TV and perhaps using lower resolution in game, so drivers upscale it and it can make it blurry. Other than that I would need to know which TV it is, to help you further.

  4. I went back to manual anicancel, but after months of using simple mode, takes some learning again. Even tho i have low ping and can anicancel manually, simple mode was good, because you could focus on other things more, like iframes etc. Hope it gets fixed soon, because as it is now, just doing LMB+LF is perfect, old simple mode was bad because it used X also. Any dev here, that has any ETA for patching this?

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