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Posts posted by DirectorTseng

  1. A great deal of the original early story line is from when the game was still set that you could go either good or evil like in Fabel. But that element was removed some time ago and one we on NA never got. 


    Think of the hongmoon arts as a pascifist. You fight when nessicary but you don't mindlessly kill, when you are constantly reminded about the hongmoon arts in your hunt for Jinsoyun. 


    Now the make it very well known in the story line that the world believes Mushin to be dead, killed by sacrificing himself to seal away the dark lord, even his fellow guardians believed this. All through the cinderlands he is disguised as Gil, he only EVER shows himself fully to you and Yura until he appears before the mother tree rip off in the current arch. Telling Lusang and the world that Mushin, this divine protector that was beloved and pure is not only ALIVE but also evil.. yeah.. you would be out cast in seconds. 


    Zulia is supposed to be on a whole other level then us, which is why she is the end boss in VT and same with Lusang.. how he became corrupted by the dark lord and reached a level the players character was no where close to. 


    Mugo, yes we as the player know it because we see scenes that the player character does not. Looks shared that the character would not see.


    And BTW.. the whole point is NOT to lay out the story line to parts we don't have yet. A lot of people don't like spoilers and you literally just gave away the entire new arch..  

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