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Posts posted by Yed

  1. 5 minutes ago, ZigZack said:

    yea you're funny.

    they have as much as of a right as you do so calm your little jimmies rustled.


    wardrobe is content lock do you even know what wardrobe is?


    Weird what you consider content. All you want is being a freeloader. It's time to realise that running MMO's cost money and as such bonuses for subscribers is a thing. Most F2P have real content locks like limited arena/BGs, limited dungeons, limited levels, can't use the AH without paying etc etc. A locked wardrobe is nothing compared to all the rest you are getting. You can always pay for Premium to support the service you are enjoying day in day out.


    Are you new to F2P?

  2. I honestly don't get people, BnS has a great F2P model compared to many others, zero content is locked behind a paywall. I advice you to try and play ArcheAge as a F2P with zero time-investment to begin with, you will love the model in BnS I can assure you.


    I am currently Lv39 and ran into zero problems as F2P, I can do everything I want without being locked.. Without some bonuses why would people want to pay for Premium...


    Stop asking for even more free stuff and start enjoying the FULLY free MMO you are playing or buy Premium to pay for the service you are enjoying..

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