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Jinsoyun Server


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Hello all EU players i hade enofh of this game becose the server is constantly lagging and the ping is araund 150-160ms the game player base is completly pay 2 win nowone helps anymore evryone says you have low AP or you do not have a good enofh set like "raven Gear "for exampel evryone just  critisysing but how can a new player lvl up or lvl hes gear if nowone can go Tempel of elivium or SkybreakSpire the whole game is abaut how has the most money to upgrade hes charachter and im not talking abaut gold ... they use real money for this game i loved this game at the begining becose it was abaut the skill and how hard you where farming to get the most possibel max gear but here we are at 2018 at a broken blade and soul game a broken communyti .... The main question is when will they OPTIMIZE the game as it was at 2016 ...... -.- when not i think this game will be dead becose nowone can enjoy the game anymore .... thanks for your time players im taking a break from the game . 

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the ping is detirmened by the distance from you to the server and your internet provider and your pc of course too if you mostly care about the whales that pay for the game then i do understand why you are leaving the game if you do not want to enjoy the game itself i spent last 6 months helping low gear players by reviving my old clan and now we are soon to go into vt... i do understand what you are saying and all of that does exist but not on the level you are trying to express here

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