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What's going on with my download speed?


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I'm totally done with this game.

This morning, at 11 am, I wanted to download the patches to play. 9.1 gb it said. I immediately started downloading. 

Now it's 10 pm. It downloaded 4 gb. In 11 ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ hours. As my download speed went down to 8 b/s, and showed me "Time remaining: 351360 hr. 21 min" I thought it was a bug. I let my PC run the download for many hours. 

It's downloading 500 KB/s, altough I have a download speed of 14 mb/s.

But it's getting worse. The speedrate is constntly sinking, up to 17 kb/s, then it starts at 500 kb/s again.

I googled the problem, I'm not the only one. It's been a problem for years. But still too lazy to fix it? At least respond.

Because I didn't find a single answer that was useful to me. All I found was too complicated for a casual player like me. 

It's been downloading for 11 hours, NCsoft, fix your shit. I regret that I wasted my time on downloading this.

Btw, I tried the File Repair option, it went on a rate of 8 mb/s. Why? 

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