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Female Jin Model Alteration?


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I've decided to create a discussion about something I've recently just noticed logging into Blade & Soul. So, this may sound a bit odd but what I've noticed is that my female Jin model doesn't look the same. No I did not alter her, I've kept her the same custom built since I first started playing last year. Just recently have I noticed that she's much "bigger" than how I originally created her and the length of her arms and legs seem shorter. This sound absolutely ridiculous and the fact that I'm making a discussion out of it is also idiotic but I honestly do see a slight change. Was there some type of bug with all Jin models from maintenance that I'm not aware of or...?   I see a difference, and I don't think I'm going crazy but I'd like to hear some feedback on this topic if anyone has an answer for me. 




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Hm! Well...I haven't noticed a difference in my jins however there's a few questions which could be the reasoning behind it..

1. Did you put a new costume on her? Some of them show their shape a little differently

2. Have you taken a break from playing her? I have noticed "flaws" in my characters I created a year ago and only started to see several months later. Especially after I've customized the same race different ways for other characters.

3. I think your resolution size can change how things look? like the thing you choose 1600 x 900 etc



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Thanks for your feedback,


1. Yes - I equipped "Strange Allure" on her and I guess that's when I sorta noticed a difference but then I went through my older customs and they all looked different from what I remember.


2. Yes - I took a break for about four months when I started college but when winter break in January started, I decided to reinstall Blade & Soul and I didn't see a difference. Then again, I hadn't bought "Strange Allure" at this time.


3. Maybe - I could try changing the resolution and see if there's a change. 


Thanks for your reply!


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