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FM Help


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So I am max level (so don't even bother saying "someone isn't playing pvp at max level" cus I am). I am playing an Assasin. I have my escape abilites ready everything done, blah blah. But I need help, I can't do ANYTHING. Invis? Nope. Combo? Nope. Enjoy the match? You're joking right? NOPE. Ok so. After all my escapes are down from the broken ice glue your as$ to the floor thing what do I do? I get invis but as soon as I go to do any combo asll I get is that stupid ability which applies chill on every hit. Wtf?. 


I need advice to counter the on-hit-chill (don't even say wait for it to go because they get their escapes back or that sttupid ice form thing). There is no way around it for me.

Any help would be great.

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im maining FM and have a sin alt. sin have many utilities to break out of fm's freeze.


1. turning leaf if u can target the FM and the FM didnt have veil on - 18 sec CD

2. your 1, sidewinder or shadow dash - 6 sec or 12 sec CD

3. your stealth 3 (bolt strike) - 1 min CD

4. your decoy, FM is known as no brainer when they atk something, they will spam lmb rmb 2, u can just do decoy when get frozen - 8 sec CD

6. your decoy, if the FM is clever enough and didnt hit u, u can just press F for swiftstep - 18 sec CD

7. your decoy, same as above, if u cant target the FM, just press RMB to activate Lightning Stride - 1 min CD

8. your X after doing throwing dagger. wherever the FM is, dont care if u can target the FM or not, u can use the X (sneak attack) to immidiately move and daze the FM from the back - 18 sec CD

9. your E (Shunpo) - 24 sec CD

10. your C (lotus fury) - 45 sec CD

11. lotus of escape to escape almost all kind of CC - 1 min CD

12. your SS - 8 sec CD

13. your Q, if the FM is close enough and within the range to use the Q - 8 sec CD


with this much utility to break FM's freeze, i dunno why u cant counter that freeze tho

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