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Cross Server Dungeon Problems

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Hello! When i play in the world map and pvp arena the game seems to be working perfectly fine, however, when i enter a cross server dungeon the game seems to have some sort of lags. I cant attack properly, talk to NPCs, pick up items etc and i see an image of the game that is actually 1 or 2 minutes after it happens. I know this is true by asking people on Skype and Discord in real time. Although i cannot attack and i see enemies "from the past", my messages in game seem to be working and i can see messages of other players when they are actually sending them. This phenomenom has accured for the past 2 days and i don't know why. Also i often get disconnected from the server, but not like in a usual lag, rather "for the usage of an unauthorized program". Needless to say i never used such programs.

Would be glad if you know how i can fix this.

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