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E. Fleet Loading Zone


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I have a quick suggestion for the 24-man dungeon E. Fleet Supply Chain. I've always been a player for cosmetics and the one thing that I really want is the Sturdy Glacial Illusion Lynblade.  However, farming for this is completely ridiculous. 

This weapon drops from the Glacial Turtle that spawns on the Loading Zone part of the 24-man dungeon E. Fleet Supply Chain. The bosses that spawn there are optional so most of the time, they just sit there all day until someone defeats them. So here's where the problem starts: once they are defeated, they do NOT respawn until Poharan is defeated. Therefore, the players must defeat 9 of the bosses (Slashimi, Chef, and Mak Sabo) in order for Poharan to spawn again to even have a chance at having a boss spawn at the Loading Zone. HOWEVER, it doesn't end there, the Loading Zone has FOUR DIFFERENT bosses that can spawn (Hanma, King Kairi, Glacial Turtle, and Venomous Thrasher). So if the boss (in my case, Glacial Turtle) doesn't spawn, I'd have to go through ALL of this again just to have a chance at having the correct boss spawn. Furthermore, once the boss is defeated, you get an RNG box. So not only do you have a difficult time trying to have the correct boss spawn, the chance of getting the correct weapon for your class is RANDOM as well. 

Everyone knows ever since content has progressed, no one runs these 24-man dungeons anymore. Thus, trying to farm for these weapons are practically impossible due to all randomness (spawn and chest) involved with this particular weapon I'm trying to get. I'm not saying make this easier because I'm all for the farming aspect of getting the weapon. But my suggestion would be let the Loading Zone bosses spawn (once defeated) like any of the regular bosses (Mak Sabo, Slashimi, and Chef) based on a timer. That way, even if there's it's random which 4 of the bosses you'll get, at least trying to farm for the weapon is somewhat more possible than it was before. 

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