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[SUGGESTION] CC-able Training Dummy or Perma-Stunned-Dazed Training Dummy


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Hello people, players, NCSOFT,
I would suggest to insert a cc-able training dummy, or a permanent cced one in mushin tower, so one can also practice combos that requires CC
Is it that hard? I don't think so and it wouldn't subtract anything from the game.
Cheers, let's see if some devs will listen to it lol.

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4 minutes ago, FilipeKun said:

this could be a good suggestion, but there's already a "training" dummy that can be CCed, make sure u training weapon is at 0 dura, maybe take off soulshield and accessorys? and train u CC attacks vs that dummy ^^"

that's the max i can tell about, but yeah would like to see that ingame, so i could like train KFM combo.

Yeah i know all the tricks, destroy a weap, take off shield and accessory and go practice to mobs or pigs, but hey, i mean, how hard could it be to insert a cc-able training dummy for using those poor skills that requires cc.
If some devs are too lazy i put here a template lol

public class ccTrainingDummy extend trainingDummy;
ccTrainingDummy.isCCable = yes;
ccTrainingDummy.setPosition = MushinTower1F;

:D :D :D :D

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