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BnS Servers are ????


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So I've been having latency/disconnect issues with this game since I started playing a month and something ago, and I'd just like to share a little oddity, now I've talked with the NCsoft team, and although I must credit them with eloquence and friendliness, they were only interested in pointing at me or my PC as the cause for the issue. I'm not sure whether this proves or disproves anything, but I'm wondering whether anyone who knows more about these things can tell me what exactly this tracert means.


So at first I was playing normal, then I got disconnected from chat, relogged, everything was fine, until suddenly I disconnected completely. Now I cannot log back into the game, the servers have just decided I am not worthy. Now this is not surpirsing to me as I've experienced this a few times now. Getting a disconnect then being unable to reconnect regardless of what I do on my end. Ipconfig resets and the like. So I did a tracert and this is what it showed me:


6. 9ms 10ms 9ms                 te-4-2.ar3.SCL1.gblx.net

7. 140ms 136 ms 134ms     ae1-90G.ar7.LAX1.ghlx.net (

8. 135ms 134ms 135ms ae10.edge1.LosAngeles9.leve13.net (4.68.1111.21)

9. * * * request timed out.

10. *** request timed out.

11. *** request timed out.

12. *** request timed out.

13. *** request... well you get the idea.


Is this definitive proof that the issues are not on my end then? It would be both good and bad if that were the case. Thanks in advance for any answers.


Would just like to add that I have run a tracert when I could connect and play the game, and the issue seems to be a request time out at 9 every time, then it jumps my ms to about 200 ping on the ncsoft servers. Could it be that maybe the gateway number 9 is causing issues or whether it is the servers themselves?



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It would help immensely if you would post your setup as in the hardware being used ergo peripherals, modem/router brand model etc. Another issue could possibly be the files and especially the nProtect. Going to take a guess that you might be using Razer products and if so you will want to disable Razer Synapse. Another thing you might try out would be to delete the nProtection prog in your BnS folder. Once you do that start the loader as you would normally and have it repair in which it will reinstall that prog. If those do not work have a look at your router/modem assuming you have cable modem separate from the router disconnect from the router and direct connect to your modem, then I would run a speedtest preferably Test My Network. If your ping/latency is what you should have normally then proceed to looking at the router connection especially if it is wireless but even if not disconnect and try to reset the router. Reconnect everything and resume playing if possible. If none of this works you will have to continue troubleshooting until you figure the problem causing the issue. As far as Tracert goes I mean that would be something than can be useful to find out what path the packets are taking and if they are hitting the right path. I would not count on it being an issue on their end because then you would have alot more posting about not being able to connect and people are online playing this game right now, including myself. That's not to say 100% it is on your end, just I would not hold my breath. Do what you can on your end and if you are still having an issue repost and we can go from there.

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I'm connected directly to a thomson cable modem with an ethernet cable, I don't know exactly what nProtect you are talking about unless it is Gameguard, then yeah I've tried deleting it with no luck, it just reinstalls upon me being able to finally relog into the servers. I am not using any Razer products either. I'm playing on a Laptop asus k53sv, have never had connection issues (except for some rare disconnects) with other online games and I have played many on this laptop before BnS. My speed tests fluctuate, but in general I have a stable connection to the Dallas servers of around 130-150 ms 20 download 1.5 upload. I have tried leaving router off over night, reseting it, turning it off for 10 mins then turning it back on with no avail. I've been having this issue for about a month or so but its been gradually getting worse where I have whole days that the I just can't connect to the game. I'm not holding my breath for sure, but it would be a shame to have to quit because of technical issues. 


EDIT: I'm using a public DNS server too, and have played around with my netsh int tcp settings as well, I have disabled network throttling, pretty much done almost everything I have been able to google and it still has done almost nothing when it comes to connection stabilty with blade & souls servers. I also hear a lot of people do complain about lag and I see constant disconnects of players, so I wouldn't put it past just cheap servers. I do live far away, so maybe the problem which already exists is only exacerbated in my situation. 

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