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Static looking for +2 members on Winderst


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We are sum(50+6)/kfm(50+2) and destro(50+5) and we are tired for tons of noobs in LFG or getting team for one run instances. We looking 2 players who can play each day, or approx each day from 6-7 PM to 10-11 PM at UTC time. we are looking players who want do some instances in best way and can do farming runs. we are PvE based, but do not mind do some faction dailies or just PvP, if all team can work as team.

English isn't our native lang, russian is our native, but we will free to speak on it, so this isn't a problem. voice communication - any(TS, mumble, vetrilo, etc).

Please feel free reach me here or in online on MeyYang or Selentera and ask any questions.


Thank you.

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