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Ncsoft, plz stop everything you are doing and do something about the damn hackers.

i was in the arena, and a summoner killed me without me even touching him, they go invisible every time i attack and resist the attack, it happened more than twice today...

got alot of destroyers that do cooldown hacks, one of them tabbed twice vs my 2 stuns in like 10 secs..

its very anoying, there must be something that Ncsoft can do about this? the anti hack system we have atm is simply useless.. and im not even talking about the open world farming bots. Something needs to be done with the arena bots, open world boss bots can wait, but it is still a big problem and it is killing the game slowly.. 

hope you can look into this :)

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I agree with you Jubbei, there are i think 35-40 bot / hacking summoners in the top 50 and it is very upsetting actually trying to enjoy the game when every other match you play against, the other "player" is cheating.

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been doing arena on EU, so far i've seen 3 "phasing" summoners, the one who pop in and out of stealth every .5 sec. i've seen no cd sins, sins that "gets stunned" but keeps comboing. a kfm that teleported to me after i ss'd mid his combo (fm ss). i've had destroyers "dash" to me from over 20m away without any animation (jump would've been on cd, and i didnt hit into the axe swing iframe). i've had kfm's where apparently their hitbox doesnt count propperly (my Q or E didnt proc the extra 8m, was just a normal dash) etc. just to name a few things i've seen.

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