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SpeedHackers in Arena.

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I'm tired of seeing speedhackers in arena , most of then are summoners (but i met a fm too) , they circle around the map making then untargetable and atacking when skills reset and keep doing it until time runs out and win my most damage.

So far i met 4 of then , the funny thing is that they usually are lvl 50 with pirate weapons and true siren acc so they must be doing it for free for a long time.


I managed to get only SS from two of then: 


This one plays on mushin server and have a fully upgraded pre 50 gear , moonwater soul and yeti SS , so yeah.

And this one


He won by 70k points of damage , there's no way i could do only 18k and survive the whole match.


Now , before anyone from NCSOFT comes and delete my thread for name and shame , they totally deserve it and you must get rid of then rather than deleting topics from players that are trying to have fun right and failling at it because bots ands cheaters .

This is on NA server BTW , you can search their names if you want , ofc i have sent tickets for both , but receive the same ctrl+c ctrl+v answers that they are investigating , which takes more than a week and the same cheaters still plays regulary.

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