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Unprecise frames ?


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Hi everyone,


I'd like to precise first that this is not a QQ thread, I just have some interrogations on some details in arena.


First : Destroyers' ground counter. Each time I face a destroyer, there is no frame between the moment their ground counter ends and the moment they start spinning again. I explain further : I knockdown the destroyer, they use their ground counter. If I don't have my kick (I play Blade Master), I'd want to wait for their counter to end and then attack them. But this is what happens : I see them in counter, next frame they are already up, spinning.

I find it strange that they have no "get-up animation" and no time window between their counter and their spin. Is this intended, or is this some kind of bug / implementation default ?

My ping is usually pretty good, and this happens systematically, I really don't think that it's ping-related (and I don't seem to have this problem for Blade Dancers, I usually have a long enough window to attack them before they spin).


Second : Blade Master's Cyclone ability. When I spec it so that it provides iframes for the duration, it seems like I always take cc's during the first 0.5-0.75 seconds. I don't know if the delay on iframes is intentionnal or not, so if anyone had an answer about that, I'd be pretty happy to hear it !


Thanks for your attention !


(On a side note, if anyone had tips to beat Warlocks, i'd love to hear them. Usually, if I win, it means that they either didn't call their pet before I was on them, or I managed somehow to temporize while it was up.)





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The Cyclone bugs might be due ping delay or something, but the iframe works for me almost always, tho i dont think it worth to add points to this skill. 

Against Warlock u have to wait patiently , usually dont rush at begging cause they will have their mob (not always, but 80% matches start like that) . Use pull Soaring Falcon and Shoulder Charge use 3 path. I find them to be easier to beat than FM. They also have only one SS iframe othet than resist skills, but should be pretty easy to beat them, stay away from the mob.

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Well I must have unlucky ping then :/

But I'm surprised you find Warlocks easier than FM's, I usually have no real trouble against FM's, but i barely reach 1800 rank so I guess that's a reason why ^^


And I use Soaring Falcon and the Dash version of Shoulder CHarge, but what I find really hard is that most of their damage goes through Parry, and if you get rooted after using backstep, you're basically dead meat (I usually prefer going Blade Call over Flock of Blades, as I feel like I will miss damage if I don't).


But yeah i usually check before running : did they use their iframe charms ? if not, i rush at them, especially if they're late on summoning their pet. If they summon it right away and put their sanctuary, I just sit in a corner and cry waiting for time to pass. If they rush at me, they're most likely to use their "goes-through-parry" knockdown, so I Backstep immediately to dodge it.


But even though I do these (not right all the time, but most time in all honesty), I feel like this matchup is similar to Summoners, but you can't really focus the pet or you'll get deleted since he's often spec'd into CC's immunity, and Warlocks's burst is pretty horrifying.


But I'm a bit reassured by your answer as I don't feel like I'm doing TOTALLY wrong against them. I might just need to start using some spars to get used to the matchup, even though I have about 400 matches this season already... (feels bad to be bad)


Thanks for your answer ! ^^


(I'm also sad that Cyclone's iframes "bug" is in fact just a ping issue, but I think it's a really good spec to take as it's a good way to avoid a lot of AoE damage and other bad CC's. )

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You welcome! Their pet isnt as good as the summ cats, cause the WL can send the pet to hit you by using Q and then get it back to him by using E after that the pet is almost unable to move and u can rekt em, but also they have skill that can resist up to 5 attacks and usually all of them use their burst them after that skill. Try to stay close to them and do a lot of Q and E also speck 5 point to daze. if u are rooted and u dont have backstep use 2 if u can of course. Oh yeah also im using Flock against them and u wont lose any dmg if u do the Flock combo. This combo 


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I knew about the combo, but I didn't know you could use 2 out of root, I always thought roots were like FM's ice. Thanks !! (i'll start trying with FLock of Blades too, since it might indeed prove more efficient)

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