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Don't want a bogus automated response want a answer IS NC SOFT GOIN TO resolve the dam hacking out of control bots at the point to where you can refund all money spent erase my account or help get your collective minds together and solve this dam issue. Never have I seen a MMO so full of hacking and bots and it seems NC Soft don't care and only reply's with *cricket* poor service. Get it together your ruining your own game to collective laziness. other MMOs have solved this issue quickly.

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GM Cone Today at 07:29

Hello There,

Thank you for contacting Blade & Soul Support Team!

We would like to thank you for taking time to report this possible violation of the User Agreement. Rest assured that we will investigate this issue and will take appropriate action, if by any means necessary.

For privacy reasons, we will not able to provide you with any specific information about what action will be taken in response to this report. We do apologize that we won't be able to provide you with more information about what will be the outcome of the case. 

We do take these reports very seriously and we will do everything to make Blade & Soul a game with no Hackers & Bots.

If you have anymore concerns, feel free to contact us!

Kindest Regards,

GM Cone
NCSOFT Support Team

Sarkino Today at 22:06

You don't even read your stuff NC SOFT DONT CARE MATBE THIS MIGHT GET YOUR Attention stop the hacks read the whole mail you  give a automated response you have *cricket* poor service and it shows as a GM you reflect your work and it shows you did not read this I hope these reach upper level management  reads these they need to know that GMs are not doing there job you say you care and well it shows the opposite . I am so sick of tired of this crap and all I get as a customer who helps pay your bills rent cost of food and the lube you use to grease your ass after a ass chewing and I get a automated response well shit wth I guess you and other Gm's will face a layoff when NC soft cant afford to pay you because you lose all your players but wth you don't care and it shows you did not even take the 2 seconds to read this ticket. well I hope this rattles your nerves a bit,

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  • 4 weeks later...

Although its an old post, its still relevant today.
I reported a large group of bots at pinchy today - why they were there i cant understand as half of them had lycan weapons already...

GM Cone gave me a similar automated response, just 2h after submitting the ticket. Of course they are not going to type personal responses - its company policy what can and cant be told, and there are serveral templates ready to be send and adjusted if need be. Typing all that stuff in a neat, spell checked and professional manner takes too long. A read of your ticket and a copy paste of the appropriate respond is far more time efficient. Most companies do this when dealing with large volumes of messages.
Auto letters dont mean nothing gets done about it.
GM Cone either is someone from customer service and someone who can look into the server databases and figure out if the behavior of the person is that of a bot - or someone from customer service filtering the tickets before a team actually goes to look into the databases. Game servers record extreme amounts of data, which is why they ask your character name, their name and time of the incident.

No the REAL problem here is GameGuard - the little blue shield that starts when you launch the game. GameGuard is one of a few anti-cheat software companies, which acts like a rootkit, protecting against memory hacks and a few other cheat programs - one of which should be bots too.
The problem is that GameGuard plays with a balance:

On the one side, it must protect the game and such.
On the other side, it shouldnt be too agressive for your system, because a bad working gameguard can have some nasty side effects on your system.

There have been other games where gameguard just was a problem and unfriendly to PCs in the past. Even BnS has an FAQ page on what to do if GameGuard blocks you from starting up your game - including removing some '3rd party software' which may interfere with your game, but otherwise not be targeting the game at all.

In the end GameGuard will always lose, because hackers and crackers will find their way. Report them in game (right click, report - report bots) and if need be, change the channel you are in : / (Btw, some of those bots have become quite intelligent... I see (and farm) them at misty, running those quests endlessly. And one was clearing adds out of the way at pinchy in cinderlands so a player can grab bombs and throw them. They switch between combat and running pretty well too... Perhaps soon with a bit more sophisticated programming, bots become indistinguishable from poor players...

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