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3 Main arena problems


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Hello guys and game developers! I wanna talk about PVP arena cause I'm getting some gray hair from it! So there is three main problems right now


*Random DC

*Ping (from 71 up to 500)

How to deal whit cheaters and bots? First of all you put random letters in every match you need join (Some think like bot checker) and you need ADD NEW REPORT FOR CHEATERS! When guy gets lot's of report he will play only whit other cheaters and he couldn't join to tag matches.

Random DC fix but that appeared whit this new maintanance

Ping but some ARENA servers in Europe cause they are in America! That just retarded, and you connect them whit VPNS to Europe srlsy? Cmon you are getting lots of money you could invest some to Europe servers -_-


*** Sorry for my English gl whit fixing these retarded bugs and servers (I'm not the only one who's complaining about servers)



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