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Fix this game or it will die fast!


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I am a mid to high gold player and I cannot climb because I will randomly get 10 matches with bots and guess what?!  They have scripted reactions meaning a human reaction time is too *cricket*ing slow.... I am not a world tourney player but I am not bad so it pisses me off that i will lose two matches and drop over 60 points to some pos Asian farmer that is so pathetic they are selling *cricket*ing gold in a game for a living.  I refuse to play this shit as it is... If I was having problems climbing because I could not out play humans I would just keep practicing where I am.... That is just how it is sometimes... but not when I am forced to try to respond to something that can read what I have hit as I hit it and respond in the middle of me trying to respond..... and here is a thought might wanna nerf destroyers a little since they can be spam botted to 1700 or even higher... and KFM Bots in 1800 it is a cluster *cricket*!  what the hell are you people doing?  You keep deleting posts from ppl complaining about Bots and covering it up trying to hope you will not lose more ppl thinking about coming to the game but guess what?  Your going to lose the other wise loyal player base currently playing the *cricket*ing game and subscribing monthly....  I would like to actually fight people of my own level of skill every match... and by the way I now see soul stones selling for 17 silver per!!!  they were 42 silver per before this Bot infestation started and never dipped bellow 34 silver at any time so think about how it is screwing up costs when people who have alt like I do who by the way had to pay for all 7 of their character slots .... just an extra thought there... I paid every time i wanted to make a damn alt..... just so I could farm mats for my Blade Master but no.... the main thing i can fast and easy farm on multiple 45's is ran into the ground by people who are not paying to play this game nor ar they playing they are exploiting your well designed game just to make dirty money from rich pricks who are too lazy to truly work in an MMO..... I have farmed my ass off to get to pirates gear ... Today when I was finishing my crafting for mats needed for my last weapon upgrade I literally had to spend 13 hours on doing every pve thing I could to make money and farm tears because I could not sell soul stones..... with that option gone it limits me and I have almost every profession with the max level recipes .... I cannot afford to craft now you lose money on crafting..... thanks to the Bots.... thenk you NC Soft for showing us yet again how much you actually care about your American players.... you people think that because we are not in asia we are not worth your best effort since it is a well known fact that KR hates the US and thinks that we deserve anything we get.... You want us to play your damn game but then you let this shit go unchecked.... Blizzard at least is banning bots left and right and all gold farmers.... they have been doing so for 9 years now and that is why I will still go play Warcraft every time they release something new..... just a thought .....

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6 minutes ago, candytripn said:

Inore that moron above me, clearly sticks to pve. Yes, this game is is dying fast. Arena is nothing but bots, with the higher gold and plat ones using speedhacks, glitching through you, seeing through stealth, etc. I've been playing a few hours for the last few days and I've seen maybe 5 people in the arena. 3v3 is terrible since you've always got several afk bots. Even in the open world, bots everywhere. Seems every world boss and wheel of fate drop has a shitload of destro bots. Chat is constantly spammed as well. Hell, when I signed up for the forums I got spammed by bots in my messages. 


At least Black Desert launches this year...



And you think in Black desert will be different ? I don`t think so !


I have couple of friends which for last 3 years was changed arround 7-10 games in searvhing for game without bot and game where they pwn... and may be you understand that they have not any good char in no game.

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2 minutes ago, candytripn said:


Yes, I'm pretty sure a paid game won't have the ridiculous amounts of bots in it. No paid mmo has anywhere near the retarded levels of bots in BnS. 

do you think will be a problem for people which MAKE gold from bots to invest some to be able to MAKE money ? You are wrong. Good luck in whatever game you want! Thewre will be the same.

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