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Unjustly Ban (Incs Salt) WTFAST related


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So Today i logged on to level my next toon (warlock) to 45 and im greeted by a ban. The only "3rd party" software i have used is WTFast as i live in AUS and the game is unplayable without it. It turnsx out that support won't unban even when you have appealed it multiple times.


The below was posted by Omeed



Hey there - wanted to clarify.


We don't ban people for using VPN or WTFast.


We don't support those products, so we can't provide tech help with them. 


If you are ever banned and feel it was incorrect, contact our support team to appeal. 


The details of the action have been thoroughly investigated by multiple staff, including veteran investigators. All agents have arrived at the same conclusion: the account was found participating in prohibited behavior that we were unable to attribute to an account compromise. The evidence our investigators gathered merited the action that was applied. Thus, we are unable to alter or remove it. While we prefer not to take such actions, we feel it is in the best interest of our player communities. Thank you for understanding. As this has been fully addressed, we are unable to respond to further inquiries about this matter.  Obvs said Investigators must be shit. Also unable to respond wait what does that just prove how shit your support is?


We apologize for the inconvenience that this is cause you.

We regret to inform you but as previously stated, the account has been permanently closed for violations of the User Agreement. This account will no longer be accessible and can never be reactivated. We are unable to provide you with any more detailed information regarding our detection methods. By displaying the information we have collected and sharing this with you, we would be supplying you with data that could be used in the future to avoid our methods of identification and detection.

At this time, I must also respectfully inform you that any additional appeals or inquiries regarding the action taken on the account will receive this same response.


NCSOFT Support Team


All im saying is good job NCsoft you have *cricket*ed another game up.

Take my money and ban me why the *cricket* would i try to hack when ive spent over 1k on this game. *cricket*ing dickheads.

I just want to play the game ive been waiting for since its KR release but what ever go *cricket* yourselves.







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My suggestion is if you want to play this game go thru the effort of going to the Taiwan server.

It doesnt have 99% of the issues the dickheads in NA are having.


Just make sure you respect the locals on that server (Taiwan people)


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