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Warlock or Blade Dancer?!


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I'm totally stumped! Starting the game and waiting for the update, and I just can't decide which one to be first! On one hand, Warlock looks just FABULOUS (in so many ways!) and all around epic, but sooo many people are probably going to go it what with being a new release and all, and the timing specifics scare me. On the other hand, Blade Dancer is so flashy and pretty and combo's are a great, gorgeous thing AND it even has magic?! But can I keep up?!  It's so hard to decide! Anyone who knows about these two classes that could shed a little extra light on them from experience in a way the site doesn't cover? Anything that might help sway my decision without turning this thread into a war would be majorly appreciated!

Also maaaan these threads get replied to fast!

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Haha, I have both.


Don't worry about timing and other things which supposedly add difficulty. It's only if you're really going to get into PVP that it might matter a little. But if you're new to the game, then you're probably going to be doing PVE most of the time, in which case it doesn't matter much. If you want a really really easy time with PVE, then pick the Warlock, hands down. Due to its ability to summon a demon and its variety of abilities to escape, it's extremely easy to PVE; at least for a player like me who's going through things a second time.


The Blade Dancer is a crazy strong class in many ways :). I personally love the Lightning, haha. With "Draw Stance", you can deal tons of lightning damage and in general, it's a nice class. I would say that while YES there's going to be many Warlocks around, that shouldn't hamper your decision. You can always press Esc and click "Hide Other Characters", which means you won't see other players much. But also, if you care about costumes, which you DO, then don't go Lyn. Lyn gets screwed over in every way imaginable with costume-design. Lastly, even though I dislike the competition, there's a contest from NCSoft to level a class to Lvl 45.




So while I dislike the speed thing, you can gain a few small trinkets from this too and in this regard, I think the Warlock must have superior levelling speed compared to the Blade Dancer. Simply because, as a BD, you need to engage enemies head on every time. While with a WL, you can just make a bunch of enemies follow you and then when you feel like it, turn around and kill them all with your AOE abilities and/or demon lol. If it's your first time going through, I recommend going with the JIN Race, as that's the most human race and therefore one which gets the better costumes. Lyn costumes often look silly, cute, odd or downright stupid and ugly; such as the Stinger costume, which looks cool on other races, but makes the Lyn look like a little fluffy teddy bear.


Lastly, WL is pretty flashy too. There's so many beautiful blue animations which are nice and explosive :). As a BD, you need to evade a lot of damage, since you don't have a block ability, much. But all in all, both classes are fun. Although once you play both, you'll feel they're worlds apart, I'm sure. I think you should go with a Jin Warlock, so you can check out the game. Then when you've scoped things out and got to 45, re-roll a Lyn Blade Dancer. This way you'll avoid any grievances about the costume nonsense, while also getting to try both races.

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Thank you so much! This really helped! I'm a bit of a costume geek so hearing about Lyns there really helped! I was also looking at that contest too, god that coat looks beautiful! Thanks again for the great advice :)

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