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Thoughts about the game ^_^ by Thingy

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Best with the game (Pros):

- Way better then I expected from first watching a video and going: "Not my my type of game" after being talked into trying it by some RL friends. 

- Jump animations are the coolest thing I've seen in a long time I think. I love the jumps at portals, they are decent long and short as well.

- Cool weapon system with upgrade features, that is really nice.

- The game play love it, I mean I thought I would hate it, and not I've ended up with a cute Lyn who even my friends things is real cool looking and doing great. It's love is what it is, even thos there are room for improvements.

- AH graph, it's nice to see prices when we put in items to get an idea of how much we should sell them for, that helps a lot!

- The community in game is really nice, I've meet tons of nice players and only a few rotten apples who are plain rude.


- Biggest fail of the game (Cons).

- Dungeons:

1. Unable to kick afk in some dungeons sometimes I've noticed, there just literally is no option to vote kick at times or something (bugg?), so we cant kick offline or those who walk in dungeons like bots or something and do not engage in the fights, but just stand in the zones to be part of the rolls. and moves with party.

2. Please insert portals that spawns and changes at the start of each dungeon, so we can get teleported to last killed boss location or (last boss). It would help all the running around in long dungeons and if someone leaves and we que for more on last boss in a dungeon, real time saver, please make it happen and let us not run all way in a dungeon on death.

3. After dungeon is complete, on top left menu add 2 buttons right of leave party: "Go to lobby" / "Go to Game World". It's so annoying going through the loading screens all the time, I know they are not super long, but a friend got an older PC and well his loading screens are not super fast, so yea just better to add 2 buttons and all good. Time saver.


- Market Place:  It's an ridiculous low amount of daily cap on how many times á day we can set in on AH, make it at least 25, preferably 30 for free and like 50 to 100 for premium or simply just remove i all together.

I understand it's for AH bots or something like that, maybe to save some "memory" or something to lead items from the games server maybe?

But It's more of a annoying thing then a good feature since many players like me, like to sell things not stacked, due to they sells faster in my mind since we can put it up cheaper unstacked and everyone do not need 10 or 5 or even 2 of something.


About "Not humans"

Let's keep it real, there is kinda no game that can not have them these days more or less.

But remove the chat block limit or something that is currently 200, just make the person who are reported/blocked for spam for gold in chat just auto disappear from the list withing 10-30 days or auto disappear from that list as you guys ban them from the game.

And make those who we select ignore (player) stay permanent on the 200 list as our solid blocks. (dunno how it works, but that's what i got from listening to people talk in chat)


- What I would like to see in the game:

6-man raid that only can be entered with people from the same guild to obtain some nice stuff maybe for the guild, guild buff or something I dunno. (maybe bosses only drop things 1 time a week for each player individually or something, maybe a weekly quest instead of daily with chance for rare loot) Just suggestions.

Why: To bring guilds more together and do something fun as a team.

As it is now I notice my guild don't have any real structured "hunting" time together and the feel of rewarding atm is not that great I feel, its more focus on "I need money to upgrade" then:

"Hey guys! Let's have fun together!" just a thought, please no hate me for the idea :)

- Thingy

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