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Mail and Trade System Disappointing/suck


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I have really loved this game up to now only to now find out that


a. you cannot send any mail to anybody because you are not in the Trade Union (so I guess sending to my other chars is also totally out of the question)

b. putting things for auction on market place also impossible you have to go to a trade union NPS which I did but he does not even light up when I come near him      and  ignores me anyway.


I love crafting but that seemed kind of impossible in this game and now I find out apparently you can only craft for the Union wtheck?



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2 hours ago, Bloodsoaked said:

I have really loved this game up to now only to now find out that


a. you cannot send any mail to anybody because you are not in the Trade Union (so I guess sending to my other chars is also totally out of the question)

b. putting things for auction on market place also impossible you have to go to a trade union NPS which I did but he does not even light up when I come near him      and  ignores me anyway.


I love crafting but that seemed kind of impossible in this game and now I find out apparently you can only craft for the Union wtheck?



Hey man. You're doing things a bit wrong.


A. In order to be able to send mail you actually have to make a purchase of raw Ncoin. Doing this will unlock the mailing system on your account.


B. In order to put things up for auction, you have to go to and talk to the same NPC's you talk to when you want to access your Stash. Hit the "Marketplace" button in the lower left part of the screen and THEN you can put your items up for auctioning. However, be aware that you as a free player can only make a total of 10 auctions per day on your account,not 10 auctions per character but per account. You also need to interact with the same Stash NPC's whenever you want to send mail. And also picking up mail through interacting with the Stash NPC makes picking up the mail free of delivery charge.


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