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i woulk like to ask why i miss so much with my fm!


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hi evry1,i would like to aks you why in arena i miss so much spells-skills wiht my fm?

resist-block or what ever in all classes,its cause i didnt updgrade my jewels?neclass?etc?and my soul shield still at 36lvl from tomb of exiles?

i thought for arena i must didnt upgrade cause i already take the full stats ...im correct?

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Some classes have abilities and cooldowns that allow them to resist abilities, such as spins (resist for first 0.5 seconds of the spin), i-frames (SS, q and e dodges), cooldowns like Blade Dancer's one that resists 5 things for 5 seconds on a 36 second cooldown, summoner's version that resists 5 things for 5 seconds on a 45 second cooldown, summoner petals that resist all ranged attacks for 8 seconds on a... 16 second cooldown (?) but requires them to stand in it, Force Masters specced Spirit Shell that resists all ranged attacks for a long time and moves with them on some cooldown (I play FM and I can't remember the CD...>_>), etc.


You are correct that gear and stats mean nothing in arena.  You can arena naked with your level 1 training weapon on.

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