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Why can't we Kick from group??


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I was just kind of wondering why it is that we can not kick other players from a party....For instance I used the cross server dungeon finder and some guy got mad cause he died and just said F U and logged off. In the time span of like what 10-20 mins we could not even get a replacement because we could not kick him....

Another instance I was in a dungeon, once again from the cross server and there was a guy in our group that zoned in and never left the entrance. The remaining 5 of us waited a little before we just went ahead and started killing stuff. We got all the way to the last boss and this guy was STILL just sitting at the entrance. After killing the boss, this was inside of skittering dungeon, the loot rolls popped up and during the bidding the guy that was back at the entrance suddenly put a bid in for the moonwater tears for 10 gold!!! No one was really paying attention so the bid went up to 13 gold before they realized what had happened. They had been bidding so fast I am not surprised....the jump from 30 silver to 10g went unnoticed. They finally realized and sadly one guy won with the bid of 13 gold and then the guy at the entrance left after he got his 2.5 gold from the roll ending.

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