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Mail - Cross Server?


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3 hours ago, Yuria said:

Yet Market is cross server so i don't see where this "economical balance" is at.


An interesting objection. People often invest too little thought on the functionality of related (ingame) economies. The marketplace more or less "regulates" prices as it uses a cross-server price average; it allows a glimpse over the rim of a personal (server-based) pricing soup bowl. As all trades flow through a single (controlled) pipeline, the matter is pretty much self-regulating. Up to a certain degree, of course, as supply/demand itself vary on each server; each server economy represents a micro-market whilst the marketplace provides a macro-market. Uncontrolled cross-server trading (and in case of GoldSpammers, mailing) on the other hand would allow certain elements to directly (and massively) play the market, badly influencing the whole game.


And as can be read up in any "Economics 101" literature, a world economy can only exist under controlled conditions. Speaking of which: one may argue that the ingame economy is not healthy anyway, seeing that the game is exposed to excessive farm- and market-botting at the moment. But that would lead us to the reasons why NCSoft is holding back functions like the Currency Exchange and such. Fact is: the market is not perfect as is, but allowing free interaction between parties would kill this game pretty quick. Hence NCSoft is holding its thumb on it.

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