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The safety of actions


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Dear people,


Bidding for 56 copper that suddenly became a bid for over 5 gold....... If you are not carefull, you might bid to an amount that you didnt itent to do. The fact however that you might even bid to an amount of 5 gold if you are carefull, is painfully true. If someone bids 5 gold right at the time you push the bid button, then you aren't able to see that you just bid over 5 gold. If this mean person (that is hoping for people to bid over his crazy amount) did not get someone trolled. Then he simply leaves the area/dungeon and does NOT have to pay for his crazy amount.... This way he makes insane amount of money by abusing the action. 


Just an idea:

- dont let people leave the area/dungeon when an action has started


- dont let people leave the area/ dungeon when an action has started unless they pass on all the items.


- biddings that go over the amount of 1 gold triggers a delay of 2 seconds in bidding. If someone bids 420 gold then the other people are not able to bid untill 2 seconds after the last bid. This way you are able to see the bid of 420 gold before you are even able to press the bid button.


I hope by the help this community we are able to make actions safe  :D


yours sincerely,


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I feel like the bid system is too much reliant on spamming Y. Actually with enough lag you can bid with the failing reason "your bid was too low/late". So I think the amount you bid pressing Y should be delayed.


My best idea would be:

  • Delay the update for the next minimum bid for 2 seconds for all amounts that are not exactly the next minimum bid. So every time some enters a number you press Y, you try to bid the "old" minimum for 2 more seconds. So either you get 2 seconds of time to verify to want to do the next minimum bid, or the system prevents your bid, because your current bid would be too low

But I think this only solves short term issues. Imho. the system should track average prices for auctions, and display a warning the moment the current bid goes over 150~200% of average. It helps newbies to get a feeling on much this outfit/crafting stuff might be worth. Additionally it should be easier to bump an auction by a larger margin. For example why do we even start moonwater tears at like 6 copper? They will not sell under 70~100 silvers. I feel like you should be able to have a different button, that does increase by a lot more than the minimum bid. If you "want" a soul shield, jumping into the silvers can take a hell of a time just hammering Y... actually entering a number is so "annoying". Also entering a start big in the "loot overview window" which currently only allows to pass on them... why not open them, say I pass on soul shields and chests and do start with 50S for the moonwater tears? I mean you could still add a bit of "intelligence" to that starting bid that it does first only make the minimum bid for that item and only jumps to your "starting bid" the moment not everyone else passes (prevents to reveal your starting bid for when noone else entered a starting bid). I can understand that you do not want to enforce market prices in that auction system... but still, it is soo annoying. Not to mention you should be able to remap the Y button, because on a QWERTZ keyboard, Y is on the position of your "Z" skill (which you obviously remap to Y, because that's the next next to X)... how many times have I bidden on a soul shield or chest, just because I wanted to cast the "Z" spell? Uncountable... you cannot even cast the "Z" after pressing N. As long the window is open, it blocks the Y key.


With all that annoyance in praxis, I actually like a need and greed system more, even though it's actually inferior on paper:

for example, you want an outfit... the bid goes over 1g and you bail out... the next time this loot is on auction you have at least 20 more silvers to bid, because of the last lost auction. If you lose the dice rolling in a need and greed system, you gain no compensation for losing (unless the system is more intelligent than a simple need and greed). The auction idea does make sense, but it just means you are standing minutes to auction everything out... minutes you could be starting the next run already! The fact you cannot continue the auction when zoning out is just adding to the frustration of that auction system. If COULD zone out, open all your chests, sell/salvage the garbage, you COULD instantly requeue with empty pockets, BUT you can't. You can only open the chest from the green quest (because we are cheap and do not want to pay the coppers to get the daily quest reward send to us).

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