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Need some advice for BD


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Hello, I been doing some pvp here and there with my blade dancer and noticed few things that I would like to find how to counter, here goes:


1. Some assassins repeat same combo over and over again, but some doesn't so I assume they need some condition for that "spinning around my shoulder" thing, its really annoying and I have hard time with them, and in general how do you play against aggressive assassin, with passive I can deal by playing passively myself, but aggresive ones just 100-0 me everytime I try to do something I just get another 15k combo to my face.


2. Force Masters, well I don't see them that often so have no idea what I should do when I meet one, had few duels they just disable my dash skills and proceed endless spam of low dmg skills, is there a way to counter that or I just have to smash my keyboard even more to just kill them like some kind of enraged mob ?


3. While I don't really have that much problem with other classes, summoners can be annoying .. is it viable strategy to put cat in sleep or I just ignore it all together ? 


In general I feel like assassin is hard counter to my play style, if I'm against good assassin 9/10 fights ends either me dead and I have never seen assassin out of stealth or they just 100-0 without me moving an inch with the same combo over and over again >.>


Anyway would appreciate some advice :)

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For every problem you have my advice to you is to spec into maelstrom and stop venturing towards parry. Party is something you only do for force masters and your not even doing it for the parry. Your doing it for the tier 3 focus regain when you break snares. When you spec your vortex to maelstrom and learn to stop relying on parry triggers to win your life is going to get a lot easier.


for force masters it can be trivial since they do a lot more damage now and a single mistake can screw you. Practice makes perfect. Make sure you put the 3 points in vortex for the focus regen on snare break and remember that they use a move that shoots a little baby tornado at you. If this hits you it will disable your spin. You can however still use your SS. The best way to deal with this is to respec your V to the far left for 3 back to back iframes totaling like 6sec or so. Using this while spin disabled will prevent them from bursting you during the lock out. When your third v is over just SS and start your spinning again. As far as offensive play goes use five point strike and gap closers as well as phantom grip.


Good luck man and see ya around... Hope the advice helps.

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39 minutes ago, animadp said:

For every problem you have my advice to you is to spec into maelstrom and stop venturing towards parry. Party is something you only do for force masters and your not even doing it for the parry. Your doing it for the tier 3 focus regain when you break snares. When you spec your vortex to maelstrom and learn to stop relying on parry triggers to win your life is going to get a lot easier.


for force masters it can be trivial since they do a lot more damage now and a single mistake can screw you. Practice makes perfect. Make sure you put the 3 points in vortex for the focus regen on snare break and remember that they use a move that shoots a little baby tornado at you. If this hits you it will disable your spin. You can however still use your SS. The best way to deal with this is to respec your V to the far left for 3 back to back iframes totaling like 6sec or so. Using this while spin disabled will prevent them from bursting you during the lock out. When your third v is over just SS and start your spinning again. As far as offensive play goes use five point strike and gap closers as well as phantom grip.


Good luck man and see ya around... Hope the advice helps.

thanks for answer, i'll try respec my vortex will see how it goes as for v I usually have hp regen + iframe its really underrated build option :)

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