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Question About KFM Flurry


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I am just doing some pvp and I noticed a  lot recently that people are hitting me in the middle of my flurry. I get that it can be resisted but the  entire  ability is still an iframe so I shouldn't be stunned in  the middle of it right?

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If you put one point into flurry and spec for the first 2 rows from the left, you get 0.8seconds of iframes, thats it, and the skill takes around 2 seconds to fully land.

So yes, after those 0.8 seconds, you are vulnerable.

If you spec for far right, you get no iframe.



edit. Actually, mid tree with 3 points gives full iframe.

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So the full 4 hits of flurry are not all iframes? I have seen people not even get dazed by it and nothing pops up saying they resisted it. I also get stunned while using  flurry at different times. Some  people stun me  right at the start of flurry and other stun me after I have  hit them 3 times,  which by then they should be  dazed. I'm pretty sure this ability is bugged right now but if it's not please enlighten me on what im doing wrong because I cannot figure it out.

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