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KFM PvP Help


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Hey everyone, I'm a shitty silver KFM (~1400 rating w/ ~25% W Rate) and I'm looking to improve. I don't really know how I should go about practicing and sadly I haven't been able to find anything on the general playstyle you want to take as a KFM. So in addition to those general questions I'll be detailing my observed problems below.


I'm having trouble with pretty much every match-up, I will go into more detail below but as a general problem I can't seem to manage to find an opening to hit my opponents. Every class I fight feels like they have short cooldowns for abilities and counters that give them metric *cricket* tons of resists (i.e. I blow all my CC on a destroyer who isn't spinning and I still can't stun his ass). How do I manage this? My skills all seem to have high cool downs and I burn all my escapes and the enemy feels like they have tons of short cooldown CC they can use on me in addition to the aforementioned resist pool. I'm not calling other classes OP, since I'm pretty sure I'm just *cricket*ing something up, so how do I go about getting rid of my opponent's resists and not burning out of all of mine?

Now for class specifics.


KFM: I'm bad and I *cricket* up and give the guy openings, not much to be said here since I play the class and can tell what he's doing.

LBM(BD) and Destroyers: I mostly just can't figure out the spin. They seem to be able to do that a bunch and it gives them obvious resists. I had one LBM literally just spam it on me the entire fight, no matter how many counters I got off it never stopped. Similar case with Destroyer, only with them they have that Fury version and honestly I don't understand that one, I'm clearly out of the animation range but I'm still getting hit I find the range on that kind of insane; so what do?

Force Masters: I can't deal with their chain CC. I'm always rooted and whenever I break out and I try to approach I just get re-rooted (idk if that's because of different spells or because that shit is just on low cooldowns) and I just end up burning everything and end up sitting there getting face rolled.

Summoners: How to deal with cat?

BM: I feel like I'm mostly just playing carelessly against them but what are some tips for fighting them? What to avoid and watch out for, etc. and also I kept getting chain CC'ed by one in ways I don't know how outside of his counter block.

Assassin: *cricket* flashbang but obviously there should be something that I can do against it. Also, when they're invis they have this teleport stun that gets me, most of their other shit is just me being an idiot and playing into them but that one move is the bane of my play against sins.

Sorry for the long read, would offer a potato but this isn't 9gag. I appreciate the time you took to look over and maybe even answer. While I am trying to highlight specific problems about my play I am welcome to any general advice on PvP as well. Thanks again!

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23 minutes ago, reINVISION said:

Assassin: *cricket* flashbang but obviously there should be something that I can do against it. Also, when they're invis they have this teleport stun that gets me, most of their other shit is just me being an idiot and playing into them but that one move is the bane of my play against sins.


You can iframe the flashbang (press Q/E/SS just before it goes off). It is tied to their TAB escape, so they will use it when CCed.


The teleport stun is probably a Swiftstep (they teleport above you, stun you and go invisible again), then it can be iframed aswell (Q/E/SS while they are still in the air, before they hit you). It has one minute cooldown. You can kinda anticipate when will they use it, because it is mostly used to extend/renew stealth, so if they are invisible for 4+ seconds, they are either about to hit you with stun combo, or Swiftstep (because stealth last only 6 seconds).

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I'm not super amazing or anything, but I did manage to achieve plat before rankings reset; hopefully I can help at least a little bit.


Vs BD and Destroyer: The spin is pretty easy to deal with as a kfm with our many knockdowns and knockups. Remember that they are only resistant to Stun, Daze and knockback while spinning(other than the first .5 sec deflect). This means if you see them start a spin you can do a couple of things: tab to knock them up if you're specced for it and in the appropriate range, SS>LMB(another knockdown), or RMB(charge) to instant 3(knockdown). As far as Fury goes, if they turn red, avoid them at all costs, it buffs their damage by lots; if they use red they cannot escape a stun with Fury, which they can do with blue.


Vs FM: You can SS out of root, also make sure you take 3 points in Ice Guard vs FM; it will remove roots. If you manage to charge them with RMB be sure to use your Q and E to try to proc a stun. If you can catch FM without SS and tab they should be easy to combo down with 3rf.


Vs Summoner: Use Q and E iframe on cat and use triple kick to stun the summoner. Take fighting spirit tab vs them and you can also take 2 points in swift strike to deal more damage while you have them knocked down and can't 3rf them.


Vs BM: If you see them blocking you can RMB charge and RMB triple kick to get a free stun. Obviously higher level BMs will stop blocking if they expect you to do this but this alone can take you very far.


Vs Assassin: You can iframe the tab escape blind. Also Ice Guard is really important vs sins. You can use the freeze for multiple uses: draw them out of stealth with it, and stall while they are in stealth so they can't get free combos on you especially if you have no tab escape. Elbow smash is pretty good in this matchup since moths will not disable it, because it is an offensive-defensive skill.


Like I said, I don't claim to have all the answers but these are a few tips that can maybe help with the different class matchups. This is no where near in depth and is actually extremely basic.

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