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Latency issues.


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I can understand that there will be a short delay since I am playing in BnS's NA server from Argentina, Buenos Aires. Normally it's just a 0.25 seconds delay, but recently while PvPing I am feeling like the delay actually increases. At times my character won't even move nor cast an ability. And this is enfuriating, I have already broken 3 keyboards, 1 mouse and a part of my piano in less than three weeks which is my record so far.


Are they ever going to make a LAS server? If not, then I might as well quit right now and try to reach Masters or Challenger in LoL since I've been stuck in diamond for a while due to inactivity. Not being able to PvP properly is reason enough to drive any player away.


And what's with the amount of crowd control abilities? I mean, as a BM i have 3 escape tools, TAB, 1 and F. But the cc just keeps coming. Stun, knock-down, daze, stun, another knock-down, etc. at that point I am already at 50%-60% hp GG. At times I am not even able to use Block wtf even though I am not stunned, neither dazed, neither knocked down. Blade Masters seriously feel weak, if they can't be the first to stun their opponents, it's pretty much a lost match already.

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