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Game freezing since patch


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So ever since the update, I get into the game just fine, can even load in on a character, but the game freezes after about 3-4 minutes no matter where I am/what I do. It'll freeze if I just leave the pin screen up, if I'm in character select/settings, if I'm in game, if I'm in game and loading into a new area, etc. Never had that problem before the patch-anyone have an idea of wtf is going on?


Game freezes but can still be minimized/maximized, mouse moves just fine in game but nothing else works. The only thing I've seen is that sometimes it just sticks on "connecting to server" when you're in character select.


Did some monitoring and it appears that the game just completely pegs my CPU/GPU to 100% after about 3 minutes (enter pin, load into game, move a little, bam.) Not at all affected by quality settings min/max, or anything else. Until the lock I get 60fps on max, so it sure as shit isn't my rig.

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I'm having same issue, before patch everything was smooth 60 fps.. now I freeze upon log in.. Will even freeze if i stay on character select screen... Like the above poster.. I'm also seeing the "connecting to server" at the character select screen... 


I can hear my character moves going off but the screen is frozen.. mouse cursor is still moveable...


I have gtx  970

16 gigs of ram

I5  3.2 ghz  OC to 4.0 


Idk what the issue is... I tried file repair, restarting, checking for video card updates... etc.. my card doesn't go over 50c so I don't think it's on my end


After checking my task manager I noticed my CPU pinged at 100% briefly....  just like the above poster.. Looks like an Identical problem.

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I've got this problem, too. It started happening since the Feb 10th patch, and nothing had changed with my PC. ~20% of the time, I'll be able to login and play for a while. But it'll eventually freeze up. The other 80% of the time, I'm pretty sure the game freezes around ~3 minutes starting from the pin screen. When it does work, loading screens are much longer than before, and I lost about 15 fps (which is a problem many others are having).


When I monitor my PC as it happens, nothing stands out. Temps are fine, cpu/gpu usage is normal.

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I can confirm the same issue occurring since the February 10th patch, however if does not occur on my toaster laptop.  Testing my guess, going into low graphics mode allows me to access the game on the computer that is having issues with no freezing  but I don't see that as a long term solution for the issue.

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