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KFM Help Guide


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Ill start off by class since a few people asked me to spar with them


1) Forcemaster


The cheap way to deal with forcemasters is to be near a wall and counter their attacks then launch them.

Once close to them use dodge to stun them if they run 

RB to get close or SS kick to knock down

then stun combo kill win.


What not to do

Let them behind you they will freeze you in place and you won't be able to counter at all your just done.

Let them barrage you from ranged.  Keep knocking them down and getting close stunning them.


2) Destroyer


Ok trick to destroyer is they have 100 Stamina or whatever so every spin is 20 they can spin 5 times.

If you are getting railed by a destroyer you charged in as a kfm bad idea. 

The only thing their spin to win isn't immune to is knockdown. 

Once knocked down grapple or air combo grapple and unconcious some way to make them waste their escape 

they will spin to win again then attempt to launch you to interrupt this use your dodges and ss to get away 

You can block their launch attack fyi.

after all of the nonsense stunlock and kill now a lot of times you wont be able to kill them but win by default because of how LONG

it will take to dps them down.


3) Summoner


The easiest fight we have but you have to equip all dps skills in order to get them in time

several ways

1) grapple the pet render it unconcious stunlock the summoner

2) dps the summoner from the beginning without worrying about the pet and use your dodges to keep the pressure on. 

If he runs launch him and continue


4) Blade Dancer


Ok trick to blade dancers is they are broken and even more so at 50.

So the 45 tips their spin to win has a delay with the parry ESPECIALLY if your latency is bad.

About 1 second after half of second into the spin their parry will be up thats about 1 1/2 spins. their animation spins 3 times.

dont attack or they will face roll you knock you up and face roll you some more.

Beginning of a fight get in the air. its your only defense literally.  They can see when your block animation finishes to face roll you early on.

after their first spin to win is over barrarge them and launch as much as possible to grapple them.  They will almost always use an escape skill. 

They know their class is overpowered so they won't worry about wasting it.


Next step is to stun them after its gone so use your dodges if they spin to win ss kick knockdown its all you have.

stun lock combo.  If not enough Dps the circus continues.


5) Assassins


Now the one thing any class can do to own a kfm is get behind you and well...mostly all of assassins skills well get behind you...

So you have to know which skill is which to get away from it.



Their blind if you dodge them while on the ground and time it right your iframe will make you immune to their blind.

When they use a skill that gets behind you spin around and block 7 times out of 10 you will block them.

DONT knock them down.  That gives them invisibility to get behind you.

Their counter has the LONGEST animation don't attack them when they are using it its really easy to notice.

Your C is like a homing skill when you know they are about to go invisible use C and it will lock on and knock them out of invisible for the last hit.

This class is all about timing and luck.


6)Kung Fu Master


Hardest matchup because you have no idea if hes set for combo grapple knockdown or what best advice

there is none use what you learned and go for the win


7) Blade Master


Pretty simple RB their block they will use it A LOT 

and dodge attacks to get more rbs in stun combo and win





You need the accessory that increases status by 20% you really do

You have to change for every class almost so utilize your skills





You'll do more dmg with 2RF but you need really high crit to get it working correctly. 80% should be ok



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