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badly need help! game crashing after patch!


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GMs please help me! 


I entered tomb of exiles and for some reason running to last boss i got disconnected. I can no longer log in sinc i keep getting same error. tried running repair files, still same error. this never happened before patch. and now im just trying and trying and trying and trying and hoping i dont get disconnected, but this time i cant even log in, i can go to char select then get disconnected. im thinking my char got stuck in a weird bug while running to last boss? please help.


I tried to directly plug internet to my pc and didnt use router, tried downloading file repair, same error. I dont want to loose and waste my premium just because the patch has new buggs and crashes.


please help! already submited ticket but no response! 

ticket id  3701693.


BADLY want to play! PLEASE HELP!


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