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Posts posted by MoeSempai

  1. So, heres how you fix it guys!:) (in case anyone still needs a quick help + this page pops up on google when you search for this bug)

    If you using multi tool or buddy or w/e. Go to your extras or modpolice and turn on the cutscenes. I uninstalled the cut scene removal just in case. Then you can restart your game.
    Once you teleport to Heavens Reach, you walk towards the yellow mark and watch the cutscene. Then dont attack the boss because JinS has to kill it.(it might bug if you do, also migh bug if you run from the start because sometimes your too fast for this game lol)
    Then you can keep going and do w/e you want. 
    For future bugs try what I just said and dont rush it too much because it might bug like that with the future content too. 
    Good Luck! Hopefully I helped someone 😄

    p.s. i wish nc soft paid us for helping each other with their bugs more than they do. Been playing this game since I was 15(im 21 now) and I've seen some confusing ass bugs that I had to resolve myself or through research(thank god i speak more than one language and had friends who could speak also more than one language)

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