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Posts posted by reynnsnow

  1. I didn't expect the game to be this extremely boring from the get go. I've never played any game that has been so dead and lackluster all the way through so far. It's almost like the designing company was like this will suck all the way to the end but just bare it and then start playing... Is that really a good way to do things? It's like saying here's some good food but you have to eat this s*** first. Ummm yeah, no thanks; I'd rather just eat elsewhere that has better food even if it costs more, I don't mind if the quality and enjoyment/ done right is there. With responses from players like you confirming the worst, I think I have a good idea on what to expect for my time in Blade & Soul.

  2. Hello everyone, 


           I just wanted to ask a question or two about if this game is worth putting anymore time into? I struggled to get to level 40 in 2 days of playing; the biggest problem was that I was extremely bored and haven't had any fun yet playing. The class I chose 1 shots everything, the quests say go here and go there and maybe kill 1 thing and that's it? I go in a dungeon and never get to fight the boss because I have no boss quest. Additionally, killing bosses and looting treasure chests has been seriously disappointing. The players in chat just kept saying: "Keep going, the game only starts at lvl 60" "I've had to do the story 20 times, stop complaining" (I wasn't complaining, I was just extremely bored and had been burned out of the game before I was even level 30), "This game is dead" and the way chat was going, it definitely felt dead, people were unable to fill their parties after 30 minutes of spamming as I felt like I was the only other soul in the chat. Additionally, I'm a social type of player so I enjoy being in a clan and having friends in the game but every social clan I joined and gave a chance (up to 11 right now) 7 have been Spanish guilds(Totally cool, but I'm not Spanish so doesn't make much sense for me to be there, you know), 2 were just me and no one else and the other 2 only had like 2 other people active and they warned me about more game problems...


         Therefore, I'm worried about what kind of game/ community I decided to participate with. Is this game worth struggling to the end or is it just the same boring, repetition of nothing really meaningful/ rewarding from the gameplay besides maybe the aesthetics? Lastly, is the game truly dead? I know it's ~5 years old, right? I don't mind game age but if it's starting to show its age/ wear & tear along with the players not playing/ enjoying the game much then I'd like to stay away and get into another game my brother suggested I try is Path Of Exile while we wait for Lost Ark Online. I appreciate your time and thanks for reading my post.




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