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Posts posted by KahokoHino

  1. I have already gotten rid of my sub, just not worth playing past the main story.


    The days of being able to upgrade your soulshields with drops rather than some token farming to get items to upgrade from. 


    The story is getting repeatative and we don't have any end in sight.


    Best example of whats wrong with this game is loot boxes, which is almost to the scale of SWL at this point.

    Farming a token to turn into another token which takes for ever to farm for a Mystic/Legendary badges is by far one of the biggest reasons the player base isn't sustainable overalli.

    And lastly a absolutely horrible gear progression system just burns people out easily.


    Cash shop should of stuck to slice of life and costumes.

    But this is just my opinion.

    Time for me to go back to my subscription based games where there is no gear gating where i dun have to spend months just trying to upgrade one piece of gear.

  2. The inherent problem is, endgame is horrible by insane grind walls(Soul Badges for example.)  Not many players who are already at max want to spend hr's and hr's helping newer players catch up because there isn't much insentive to do it. Unrealistic dungeon ratings. Blade and Soul has one of the most confusing rating systems of any mmo out there. Upscaling dungeons further locks out new players. Being told to Celetial Basin can only be said so many times. yet Celetial Basin offers very little too the player and after a few hr's gets mundane and boring.

    Daily's for example now only seem to show most endgame raids. That u can't find a party for if u aren't already atleast Raven 3+. and going from Baleful to Raven requires materials from a Raid that you have to pay for Carry as u don't meet the minimum for Shouts or get kicked because of a gear check.

    My biggest pet peev is still Floor 15 Naksun, absolutely horrible mechanics.


    The only thing that really draws new players into the game is the main story, After that they have to decide whether they want to put up with the grinds since getting into dungeons is somewhat hard to do, upgrading becomes a chore.

    Why this game survives on 2 servers vs. 10 servers.

    The game is already broken by design, we continue to play it because we fell in love with the visuals, the story, the pve, the pvp.

    It really is a love/hate relationship.

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