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Toms Ego

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Posts posted by Toms Ego

  1. HM coins have been continuously nerfed over the past months and years since they were removed from PvP.  They used to be given to the top 500 ranks, they used to be given for the Overall World Ranking and now they have been severely reduced for the Sanctum Season rewards.  Can you guys please stop nerfing/ninja-nerfing the hmcoin rewards?  The new charms/emblems in there don't make it worth it.


    Also, the math doesn't make sense on the Rank 3 vs Ranks 4-6 rewards.  Rank 3 only gets 1000 hm coin, Ranks 4-6 get 1020 hm coin, which doesn't make sense considering higher ranks have always gotten more hm coin.


    I really hope this is a mistake and you guys change it back.  Please dont wait until the end of the season and everyone loses a lot of hm coin.  Imagine being a newer player and you can only make top 100 or even barely top 30 in your class for sanctum and your hm coin reward just got cut in half.  Feels bad 😞

  2. Great Job Zalerius for listing a majority of the recent problems.  I would like the add that the login rewards have not only been missing the mystical keys, but there were a few weeks were there weren't any login rewards to claim at all (and still no compensation).  Not to mention that with the new maintenance time on tuesday nights, it completely disrupts anyone on a normal 9-5 work/school schedule and prevents them from playing the game for that day.  I live on the east coast, so by the time I get home (usually around 4 or 5 pm EST) - the servers are taken down at 6 pm EST.  If i'm lucky, the maintenance is short and I can maybe play for an hour before bed, but if we get a 7 hour maintenance like yesterday, then the day is lost.  Lastly, the F2 portrait change is just stupid, no clue why those had to be removed.


    Even though the maintenance is bad, the worst change was the DC reset time change.  Why in the world would you change the reset time to 5 pm EST?  I actually have no idea what day it is right now.  Is today the tuesday or wednesday daily challenge?  What will it be in 30 minutes?  Will it be wednesday or thursday?  I like to plan around when I do certain dailies and manage rest days.  Now I need to make sure I'm not trying to complete dailies anytime near 5 pm EST or it can just reset on me? 


    This change is completely anti-player and does not even consider the timezone of NA and life of the average player.  I can stomach and understand the maintenance to a degree, but the DC reset timer change is illogical.  What's next? Changing the koldrak/hamann times to only spawn between 5 AM and 11 AM EST that way 99% of the playerbase can't do them?  Whoever has been put in charge of this needs to re-evaluate what they're doing.  This change has no benefit and only hinders the vast majority of players.  This playerbase of this server is on NA time, not KR time.  Change it back.

    • Like 1
  3. Would love to see some good bundles for Ethereal Vials/Sacred Oils/Sterling Crystals/Pet Pods.  I remember there was a bundle of 50 Sterling Crystals for ~5600 ncoin/hmcoin a while back.  Maybe bring that back for each of the mats mentioned at a 20-50% discount?  


    Would also love to see some exclusive cosmetics that we haven't seen in a while.  One that comes to mind is the Special Training Illusion Weapon. ❤️


    A 50% off lvl 60 boost voucher would also be really cool.  I think you guys have done this before.


    Making all of these available for NCoin and HMcoin would be awesome!

  4. Are there any plans to give us more Sacred Oils and Pet Pods anytime soon in the West? 


    Ever since we've gotten the new RNG system for Soul/Heart/Pet its been very difficult for players to upgrade their mythical levels.  Its nice that we occasionally see them drop from the new dungeon Grim Nexus.  I believe Korea obtains a lot of these from Daily Challenges and/or Weekly Challenges, because they've had these rng upgrades much longer and needed a higher supply.  I think we should have more ways to obtain these materials for our upgrade attempts now that we are a part of this RNG system.


    Right now I believe the only way to obtain evo stones is through MSP, which is very slow and outdated (some field bosses might drop too? if so, its at very low rates).  I'd love to see a new way for us to get either evo stones or sacred oils as well as pet pods.  Adding them to the daily challenge or even more frequently to dungeon drops could be a good idea.  Or maybe the return of world bosses like Blackwyrm? 😍 (please make faction neutral tho).   I just hope we don't get another MSP refresh, I personally never liked having to spend so much time trying to farm that place.  


    Would also be open to something completely new ways to obtain these upgrade materials too, any ideas?

  5. This has been one of the best patches so far.  The QoL improvements have been amazing, but my favorite parts have been the Oculus Prize Wheel and the Soul League.


    I always loved spinning these prize wheels as I leveled up back in the day, trying to collect all the drops from each wheel before I left the zone.  Would love to see this come to more dungeons in the future!


    This Soul League event blends rank rewards with gameplay rewards really well.  I love that anyone can get diamond if they play enough but it also motivates ranking higher to get there faster for bigger buffs and rewards.  I hope this event become a regular/returning thing!


    Having a blast with the new patch, thanks Blade and Soul Team!

    • Like 1
  6. The system design change of removing the rng from the skystealer accessory upgrade path was a really great idea and very well received by the western community.  I don't think its very surprising either since the western playerbase has always been averse to RNG upgrades since it was first introduced with premium trans stones. 


    But the question going forward is will we be able to upgrade old starcross equipment without having to worry about RNG?  I think the only thing players didn't like about the implementation of the new skystealer upgrade system was that it came so late in the game, when a lot of us had already upgraded to the new starcross tier.  I would love to see the starcross ring and earring get a non-rng upgrade path released with this new dungeon!  I know a lot of people are hesitant to upgrade now because they don't want to have a feeling of regret down the road.  I think this is something the community would love to get right on release.  It would certainly encourage players to upgrade their equipment and improve, instead of having mixed feelings.

  7. Not sure if this is intended or not, but the Nethered Shackles Insignia only applies in Shrouded Ajanara Hard difficulty.  The insignia says "shrouded ajanara only" but doesnt specify a difficulty.  So if the tooltip is correct, it should work in easy and normal mode as well.


    This is easily replicable, just go into each mode with the insignia on and see if the icon appears on your buff bar.  It only shows up in hard mode. 


    Anyone can also verify by checking their AP, should increase by 10%+, and they should not lose stacks when steping in the outer circles.  For me, my ap does not increase in either easy or normal mode and i lose stacks if hit by the outer circles in normal mode (cannot get stacks in easy mode).  The insignia works as the tooltip states in hard mode


    I've asked several others and they have the same issue.

  8. Here's a few ideas that quickly come to my mind:


    ->Weekly Gold Chest - 2 per account per week bought with solar energy

    ->BM, regular and True Poharan SS sold at a discount compared to the vendor in mushins - also let us select a specific SS number instead of rng please ❤️

    ->Accessories/Weapons from dungeons (like skystealer/starcross/upsurge wep) sold for their respective currencies at a discount - no account limit would be amazing


    Thanks for reaching out to the community for feedback and suggestions!

    • Like 4
  9. 18 minutes ago, Green Storm said:

    We're investigating the various reports that players sent about Soul Boost Season 2, including the Awakened Uzume Ring Chest and the Silversteel Weapon upgrade. I'll update when I know more!

    Have you guys looked into the Level 48 Rewards? Is the discordia necklace really the intended reward for the final stage of Soul Boost Season 2?

  10. 1 hour ago, Green Storm said:

    There's one more update I wanted to share with the community about the Upsurge weapon drop in the Hall of Trials dungeon


    We heard your feedback about the difficulty of obtaining the new Upsurge weapon, given that it can drop for a class different from the one that you’re using to complete the new dungeon, Hall of Trials. We’ve updated the dungeon rewards by swapping the weapons with a weapon chest that will allow you to select the weapon for the class you want.


    Regarding the incorrect dungeon names, we didn't take the Demonsbane rotation into account when crafting this message. Apologies about that!

    Does this apply to the stage 8 clear reward and/or to the True Weapon? When is this change going live? Can we contact support and get any existing weapon drop switched to the correct one?


    Love the change by the way, thank you!

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