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Posts posted by lzumi

  1. Haven't tested this with all classes, but this happens with my Blade Master + Dual Blade.



    After playing a few games, 3-4, the framerate gets really unstable, from 120 to as low as 30, it is unplayable.


    The only fix is to leave arena and re-join, which is really inconvenient and makes me not want to play, especially when I forget and it affects the outcome of my matches.


    This is an urgent bug, can you get it fixed finally?

  2. On 04/02/2020 at 5:30 PM, Cyan said:

    As Hyunkel said, please submit a ticket with all of the details to the support team as they have the tools to investigate. Those of us on the forums don't have the ability to see any of the details so we can't provide assistance here.

    Proof? with the ability to disable spectating and the fact the spectate function is broken anyway, not gonna happen.


    Besides, isn't it the teams job to protect the integrity of the ladder? What else are you guys doing, for real?


    Making spider diagrams of RNG box ideas?

  3. On 29/01/2020 at 8:23 PM, elilove12 said:

    still not fixing the auto fishing? keep failing and my character just stand few hours. so what is main point buying auto bate? when are you guys actually fixing it?



    Use 1 regular (non auto-bait) bait, then use your auto-bait, that should stop the fishing-failed.

  4. I do think we should be provided with more information on the process bugs are reported, time reported, because we've had bugs like this for several months. You expect the playerbase to be happy sitting easy with minimal updates, being told "sorry not a priority" on things that are a priority to your players, it's a shame really.


    Fully aware that our region has limited control and has to relay back and forth with developers. That I don't think we have a problem with, its the lack of communication and information being provided to moderators so we have updates, that much you do have control over.


    Also anyone reading this thread, most moderators that reply here have their hands tied and usually its one or two people in charge of making such changes. So don't be so pissed with staff in general and moderators on this forum, they should be appreciated more.

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