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Posts posted by Sarjanne

  1. Hello!

    Could anyone please clarify some things about the game.

    Playing as Destroyer.

    Thanks in advance.

    1. How do I know which axe weapon is better for me?

    I have Grand Celestial, two Ascendants, and Riftwalk - which one should I keep and upgrade?
    I cannot queue in dungeons with anything wielded except Grand Celestial - does this mean any other axe is useless?

    2. Orange quest line leads me to a point when I have to kill raven king solo, NPC says its doable and I should proceed, but at some point raven king casts some insta-kill spell I cannot avoid or defend against. Is it supposed to be so or is it timed so I must kill him before he casts, maybe my dps is too low?

    3. How do I know what items/materials to keep?
    I have plenty of 'something' in my inventory and vault, collected during leveling up to 60, and I'm running out of free space.
    Some of it may be valuable or useful in the future - how do I know that?

    4. I remember there was an upgrade tree so I can make informed decisions during weapon upgrade, now I cant find it.

    5. Why dungeon feature is so terrible?
    To get to actual action I need to pass 3 loading screens which is pretty long time (2-3 minutes each), groupmates usually dont wait and I always stay behind, often just dying in 'flames' when they go ahead and engage the boss. Is there a list of purely solo dungeons I can do dailies?

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