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Izuku Uchiha

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Posts posted by Izuku Uchiha

  1. Hello Hime,
    i will try it this way since i get no answer from the support team or any other stuff.
    As already known u accidnetly took from player while the montide bug the pet pods away i bought 180 pet pods before the bug and some mid- Bug from players in F5 or via trade i have screen which can proof it and u removed 180 pet pods from me which was around 20k Gold when i bought them. Thats not a lil amount and its really hard to farm 20k tbh. U posted player would get atleast some transmutation gold costs restored but i got literally nothin. Ye i used the bug but the pet pods were legal bought so its kinda disgustin to remove all of them i can understand u used an algorithm to find the player who used it and it automatically removed them but its bought from F5 and a lot of gold so i want to request for an restoration of these 180 pet pods. I mena i wrote like 2 montsh with the supp now and they only say they arent involved bla bla bla. So i try it this way. And im at a point im really disappointed how things in bns goin to be. I close to quit the game cus several things tiltin me a big one is the pet pods who are taken from player who bought them normal via F5 or trade it wasnt our fault to buy them while the "bug" was active how can we know we not allowed to buy from F5 or somethin. Also the community get left behind and seems like none of the community manager or gms are careing. I would like to get an answer, and im sry for the maybe bad english but isnt my main language also kinda desperate so sry for the rough tone here and there.

  2. Am 28.8.2020 um 00:41 schrieb Hime:

    Hey, i have an similiar issue tbh i bought 190 Pet pods via the "Bug" from a player for around 17k Gold and now they just got taken away and i dont even got my gold back from the Transmutin these pets into pet pods so. i hope there will be any chance to get my pet pods legit bought back or atleast the gold i spent on it cus how should i know it was "bugged ressources" i just bought it via F5 or Faction chat i also have proofs from the trade and video from the F5 purchase if needed. I hope atleast for a compensation in that way cus its kinda unfair i just made around 17k Gold loss which is huge in my position


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