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Posts posted by iHus

  1. Hello everyone, I was playing BnS about one year ago and left cuz of the game's bad performance. I got a much stronger pc and returned to the game cuz I did really enjoy it before. But my new "stronger" pc is getting more fps drops and that only happens on BnS for no reason every other game even the ones with bad performance start to work fine with me than before, expect Bn(f***ing)S. I asked a few players about that and everyone answer was like "well, that's BnS deal with it" and "West devs don't really care"

    Is it bad if we stand for that and got as many players as we can to not play BnS for a week?
    I am not making ads for other games or anything, I just want us to be heard and have a really good game for once.
    (If anyone can tell me a way to fix fps drops i will be glad for that, maybe i am mistaken and there's a good solution but i am really pissed off that's why i am creating this awful topic)

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