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Posts posted by Fanaran

  1. 27 minutes ago, LordSwiftStrike said:

    Everyone should just F2P it from here on out. Stop spending on bns, play until it's no more but don't pay anymore. Cancel your premium, don't recharge, they don't give 2 cents about us so why give them our hard earned cash?

    If anything they should start paying us at this point.

  2. 1 hour ago, Hime said:

    Yes. After the release tomorrow, the Weekly Challenge will be updated to have up to 7 completions with the Fusion Stone as a reward for completing the 7th.

    Hello, thank you for your response, I meant the weekly rewards as well like 6v6 rewards, challenge mode etc, do we already get fusion stones on the patch day on the 22nd? Or do they get added starting wednesday 29th? Was wondering if it's retroactive

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