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Posts posted by klibo

  1. On 9/26/2019 at 8:51 PM, Xzard said:

    Why do people want brain dead content? All the complains you listed about the dungeons are easily avoidable, if you know what to do. But I do agree this change was stupid, no reason to have done it, they understimated this community stupidity, most just want a dummy for boss instead of a real fight.

    Please don't misunderstand. The point and I'll use SSM as an example, used to give around 5 gold and was braindead and fast to run even with low dps team. Now it gives us like 2 gold and with low dps team you have to do things and know things and takes much longer. Inb4 whiteknights say "yeah but boss dies in like 2 seconds anyway", please run it with 6 man story gear. Yes it's not impossible but it's not easy either, and this is your third easiest DC dungeon now. Whereas before this SSM was a breeze 6 man story gear and gave decent rewards, and we still had basin, NS, ToI, F20, EL, IF to do DC as new player was much better to start getting geared up. 


    TL;DR More Work Less Reward is not cool

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  2. So, after the patch yesterday, some stuff was supposed to be fixed. Well I done as many dungeons as I could and looked for as many bugs as I could. Here is my findings. Please note I am not the best player in the game and I probably missed some stuff. So feel free to add whatever I missed or got wrong in the comments. 


    Starstone Mines - Volberus ember debuff deals heavy damage over time and the boss kills the tank if tha tank gets knocked down and cannot escape
    Hollows Heart - Boss 1 spawns orbs like old hardmode mechanic which roots you
    Hollows Heart - Boss 2 looks for new target is mark dies during phase instead of jumping down, like old hardmode mechanic
    Drowning Deeps - Boss 1 black pool does massive damage over time, like old hardmode.
    Ransacked Treasury - Boss 1 if you don't place the chain on the pillar, you get insta-killed
    Shadowmoor - Mookwan kills the curse mark after sometime
    Dreamsong Theatre - Boss 1 now starts mechs at 90% like old hardmode mechanics
    Broodchamber - Boss 1 does incredibly high bleed damage, like old hardmode mechanics
    Warped Citadel - Last boss, pizzas cannot be iframed anymore and will throw you across the room


    So now I would like to refer back to the stream, "easy mode will be significantly easier". Well, it's not. Infact it's significantly harder, but you have also lowered our rewards? I need to work harder for less? Could you please explain to us what is going on, because these "stat changes" that happened are bullshit. 


    Now I refer to "Easy Mode was more of a balance change that hoped to prepare everyone for the more difficult Hard Mode. We understand the name “Easy mode” can be misleading, but there were some changes done to boss fight mechanics to help everyone learn these fights to be better prepared for their harder counterparts.While some of these mechanics can instantly kill you in Hard Mode, the aim was to simplify it in such that it only removes a percentage of your health in Easy Mode." 

    So firstly, there is no Hardmode for TSM and down, so this statement is completely invalid for the increase in difficulty for those dungeons.

    Secondly, it's much easier to wipe in Easy Mode for DST to WC now than it was when we had normal mode. 

    So your statements, at least in my opinion, are completely invalid. The way I see it, these are your options:

    1. Keep things the way it is, however increase our rewards to compensate for the increased difficulty

    2. Revert the dungeons back to last patch, that includes difficulty and rewards. Give us back Hardmode from SST-TSM, revert all the changes

    3. Keep the rewards the way they are now, but adjust the difficulty to reflect the value of those rewards, so give us a legitimate easy mode. 


    Personally I would prefer option 2, just to go back to how things were last patch. I know some people might have mixed opinions on how to fix this but we can all agree that something needs to be done about this, because if you're going to keep us on the current system. Even yesterdays "stats were changed", could you tell us exactly what was changed? Because as far I am concerned from my testing, everything looked the same. Give us a legitimate breakdown, tell us Boss X had 1 Billion HP and now has 750 Million HP or something like that. 

    Anyway, I hope you hear my rants because I do want to carry on playing this game, but if this trend of high investment / low reward continues, there's not going to be any point for me.

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  3. So I started playing this game years ago, back when 45 was cap, Pokey was basically unkillable solo and hit boxes were all kinds of broken so I left the game. 


    I came back a while after and was found that some of the issues I previously had with the game was some what fixed but several new issues were introduced. Over the course of the last year or so, there have been some good intentions to really try and make stuff better. There has also been weird ninja nerfs/buffs that was never communicated. 


    And although I like the combat of this MMORPG, I just feel like with the this track record, every patch something gets broken. Every oatch something changes which isn't communicated. Fixes take weeks if not months to be dealt with. Some things just plainly never get fixed. Then there are other bugs like the lvl60 voucher not being usable unless its in the first page of received items. And yes I hear you saying "please contact support for assistance". I don't want to have to contact support who is going to look at my NCOIN purchase history and treat me accordingly. Also, I have to make sure I'm logged out in order for support to assist me timeously which is downtime for my farming. 


    You guys are killing your own game, I hope you realize this and I hope that you actually do something about it. I don't know if there is internal politics with you guys and Korea devs ir something but it seems like you're always taking the heat for stuff that they have done (or so we've been led to believe). Have you escalated this to the head of department? Or maybe the sad truth is that the devs don't care about the NA/EU servers and we're just treated as the unwanted last born child. In which case I feel very scammed. We don't get proper support, our patches are always a hot mess, there is ALWAYS at least 1 thing broken in the game, but you keep trying to get us to spend money? The new mastery bundle for example, and this game isn't pay to win? You can't even farm enough Radiant Nebula Stones from the event to get to that level of gear on a fresh char. You can't even buy it with HMCoin. 


    I have active accounts on other MMOs, the combat may not be as good as this game yes. But I'm really starting to feel so disconnected from this game. When big patches release for my other games, I don't sit there and think to myself "oh what's broken this time", or "I wonder what got ninja nerfed", or "how are they going to implement more p2w aspects". No that doesn't happen. I'll use ESO for an example. Yes there are occasional bugs with larger patches however they are instantly clear and are not gamebreaking (unless something pvp exploitable). The response time however to fix thise bugs are so quick, we don't have to wait for "weekly maintenance", or "the next patch" or have an immense amount of people threatening to quit the game, or make videos ranting about the issues again. No, instead usually within a day or two, there will be an update and the bug will be fixed, done. 


    I feel like at this point, no one in your NCWest team actually play tests these patches before they launch. And if they do they are honestly garbage test players because they would have immediately noticed that something is awfully wrong with the dungeons. What is even the point anymore? You made rift3 weapon the base, so all our alts are stronger, you nerfed some of the mechanics recently like Shadowmoor, so if was easier to F8 the dungeon with a pug. But then you revert these changes, so now its not as easy to PUG with rift3 alts and you remove all of the easier daily quests that we are used to running with our alts? So now until this issue eventually gets fixed, i can't farm gold and materials (which was also severely nerfed) because I won't be able to do these dungeons on 8 of my characters, but maybe only 2 of my stronger characters. That's 75% of my daily income lost because you guys screwed up, again. Also the ninja-nerf of orb of ascension shards means less Heaven's Mandate runs overall so even more gold and material loss. And before you say "well we reduced costs and gave you radiant stones", you did not reduce costs of things like ring, earring, necklace, fused badge in this patch but you did reduce our materials so upgrading those pieces have becone particularly harder. And then the issue of not being able to get a decent awakened ascending soul for free like you gave out last year this time but instead we need to farm basically this entire event just to get enough radiant nebula stones, this is still excluding the still high amount of materials that is needed even with the nebula stones. Guys, you literally gave this soul out for free last year this time and again sometime during this year (think around March). What happened this time around? Did you forget that new players are a thing? Do you know how hard it is for them to get a legendary soul even with these nebula stones (don't forget they can't run dungeons anymore because you broke them and even if they could you nerfed the materials). I feel like whoever is designing your events is not in touch with your playerbase and doesn't know the history here. Maybe you guys should all play like 3 hours a day on the live server and try to gear up and stay relevant, maybe then you will understand what's actually going on in your game. 


    Also, what's up with the whole "weekly account limit to buy sacred vials with event currency". Like what is that actual purpose here, you're just time gating me further and lowering my rewards for investing hours. And if you make me feel less rewarded for playing, I'm going to lose interest in the game. Simple logic, you don't need a genius to figure out that people won't do stuff they're not getting incentive to do. Imagine going to work for 60 hours a week but then you get told by HR that you can only get paid for 40 hours per week because there is a limit. My dude, can i please have my payment for my time invested. 


    Niw about UE4. I'm probably in the minority here but I'm honestly not looking forward to it. Like, honestly if we can't even have reliable patches at this point, if we haven't been able to fix the netcode, the bad optimization, the potatoe servers. At this rate I honestly think that when UE4 (eventually) comes, that will be the sure death of this game. A lot of players are just tying to stick it out until then or have left and said they will come back for UE4. But looking at our history on the NA/EU side of things, the game being slowly broken apart as each new patch breaks something else, the game by this point is so broken a fragmented. When the devs do try and put UE4 together for NA/EU its going to be an absolute disaster. It will be the biggest update, like ever, and we have come to expect that the bigger the update, the bigger the damage. And every player that was sticking it out because UE4 will inevitably quit. You will lose a large portion of your player base, particularly those that have a lot of money to spend on microtransactions because they can easily move over to another game that actually works and invest their time and money there instead. There are some decent looking upcoming MMORPG's lately and I just can't trust the UE4 will be our games saviour given the track record of the team behind it all. 


    Anyway, this has been a long rant, I tried to keep it as clean as possible, I have a lot of nasty words and feelings but I know that sort of behavior won't get us anywhere. I'm trying to do the right thing here and hope that someone at NCWest reads this from top to bottom to see how dissociated their playerbase is. Please, you need to make changes to the way things are done otherwise you will keep bleeding players and a game the I enjoyed will die.

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