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Posts posted by casbisto

  1. 3 minutes ago, Unya said:

    The promised changes are nice and all, but are you still not acknowledging the dungeons below WC? The (massively) increased damage from SSM fireball or DD floor on Boss 1 is totally helping me learn mechs...for dungeons I have literally run 100's of times...to practice for hard modes...that aren't in the game.


    And before the white knights come in, the issue isn't that I can't complete these (I can); the issue is regression. In an MMORPG, players should never be unable or have a harder time doing today, what they could easily accomplish yesterday. No one wants to feel like their character has moved backwards just because of a badly thought out patch players had no say in.

    this current situation is like someone took your money then after a week of begging he give you 1/3 of it back and you praise him for it.

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  2. 44 minutes ago, Makina Usui said:

    Oh well, no more wipe mechanics even in the most endgame dungeon. Welcome back to the braindead game.

    easy mode is not suppose to have wipe mechanics you fool, if you want to flex your whale power then off you go to the current Hard modes dungeons and stop comparing everyone in the community to your level

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  3. well this is something atleast but its still long way to go if you guys want some good well back.


    keep in mind that non of this fixes and uno reverse would've been necessary if our feedback we kept giving for month and months been heard, take the current event for example, its an insult to veterans and new players alike, you need over 120 stone to upgrade from heart 1 to awakned cosmic 5, even heart level 1 takes 3 stones to upgrade it to heart level 2 its insane.

  4. this event is a joke, they nerfed the mats and DC and gold acquisition, yet the freaking costs to upgrade a basic soul and heart did not, and to make even more shitty you need 3 freaking nebula stones for a freaking single upgrade from heart 1 to heart 2, srsly those devs are a joke.

  5. oh man they really dont want new f2p players, screwing up DC for alts is a proof of that, only veterans who swiped at one point and still swiping or f2p veterans who have ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ load of gold are the target for this publisher now, enjoy the last bit of new players around cuz ill guarantee you non of them will stay by the end of the year unless they swipe them visas.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Inundated said:

    Prepare us for Hard Mode? There are LITERALLY only 4 dungeons with Hard Mode.

    The rest of the dungeons simply got harder with absolutely nothing to prepare for. Why?

    to milk everyone dry and force them to swipe and trove for progression, just think about it, if a new player try those ''easy mode'' dungeons and get his rectum resized the size of black hole... then he will form the idea that ''hard mode'' is even more intense, with in return make him swipe and progress or no life the game and quit in the middle of it ooor throw this trash into the bin and never return, they're hard mode milking everyone plain and simple.

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    when your biggest calmest youtuber whale get angry, you know you done goofed, 90% of the relevant dungeons have hard mode mechanics for half the rewards now, but not only that, theres no hard mode equivalent with increased gold and rewards, its like you guys are toying with us, and the bugs and DC basic mats box requirement are higher now with means no more alts unless you life this trash ! why ? the hell is happening back there ? is this game going to close before the end of this year and you guys are just milking us dry along with new players ? 

    • Like 5
  8. thats it i am done with this game, you guys lies so much for my taste and this one right here takes that cake, and oh wait ! what about the solo dungeons gold reduction and difficulty increase and lucky dragonblood removal ? is there planed hard mode for those solo dungeons that have no modes in the first place ? what a disgusting unrespectful devs and publisher.

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