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Posts posted by Naundas

  1. 2 hours ago, Cor said:

    Two years? Not two months?


    1+2. Well obviously you get more xp and items by playing more and doing more dungeons/raids (or swiping ofc ;) ). You say "it cost for me too much time playing" and "farming all that was possible and still without gear" but your char looks like you did nothing at all. I don't know how you played for 2 years and got only a hm 16 with raven 6, that's like max 2 months of playtime not 2 years.


    3. There is a better mystic badge from et raid but that is out of your reach so you got the best possible one for you. Trancendence is an old soul badge, best one currently is paragon but you prolly won't be able to get that either. Not sure what best single badge is i'm not gunner main, probably resurgence or liberty. You should check out bns academy on discord for stuff like that.


    4. daily dungeons/weekly raids, also msp but with your gear you will have a hard time finding a party for that.


    5. No you can't, you can't fuse crafted gems or the ones from moon refuge at all only hongmoon gems can be transmuted.

    Thanks for reply. It really will helps me a lot.

    Anyways, as i said, i play the game for fun not like a goal, and it is before last day that i started to look some guides. I was playing for two years, yes. Sometimes i stop two or three months but yes, two years. My main character is a blade dancer and have worst gear so i prefer to use the gunslinger. That's why i told that it takes me too much time to obtain materials or the hongmoon charms because i dont want ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ others with my dmg at good dungeons. I'm only doing the same three or four dungeons like always, trying to complete the four dailys.

    I really dont know how i can spend too much time playing, without wasting the mats and the gold and, as u said, i looks like i did nothing at all. I know that im not good in the game but i still try to understand what should i do now. I ask in the game some people but all i get are nothing or bad replys from toxic people so... that's why i asked here.

    Sooo again, thanks for the reply and this game really makes me feels like im ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ and no one cares about "new" players. Not new at all but i mean, people who started to trying something to be useful :/

  2. Ey! I have some questions about the game that if it could be possible, i want to ask to u.

    I was playing the game atleast two years but as a normal player who only want to play without extress; level up, completing daily quests, trying to farm some low level costumes... i really never tried to understand the game cause i was always playing as chilling. (First of all, sorry for my bad english, not easy at all).

    So when i queue for dungeons, i always see too many people with good gear and a really good dmg (that's obviusly), but people always rage with me because im not doing too much dmg as them. I think 300k for normal dungeons that requires less than hm 12 is pretty good but... anyways, i want to ask you these questions:

    1.- How it is possible to level up the Hongmoon level fast as i can? I have like 17 Special Hongmoon XP Charm that it cost for me too much time playing and is not enough for me. I need like 40 and i really dont know what to do at this moment...
    2.- I know that premium people have better things than normal people but, all i have in my main character is for playing everyday, farming all that was possible and still without gear. I dont get enough matterials to upgrade my gear, and it is impossible to get when other people rage u because u dont have gear so... it is only about going to Moon refuge or something?
    3.- I'm Destruction Gunslinger, and i want to know what type of gear i need for my character. I know if i press cntrol + j i have the recommended but, not for badges. Now, i have Aransu Mystic badge and Trascendence Soul badge. These two are good for the spect?
    4.- For matterials, should i farm it only in dungeons? Are there other ways to get little amount of matterials excluding pvp?
    5.- And the last one. If i create three gilded triangular diamond gems with Radiang ring profession and all i get are two defense gems and one attack gem, can i transmute them to get the square dmg one? or it is just about if i have 2/3 with dmg?

    (This is just an image from my character with the ap)

    These are all the questions i have for now. I'm really sorry for the english and i hope to not bother you so much, i know it is a little big the topic.

    Thanks you all so much T.T

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