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Posts posted by MillyMail

  1. Really think it'd be neat if this game had it. It'd be nice to try out multiple classes without needing to create a brand new character everytime. Can see some types of restrictions, like maybe limiting the classes you can change to, into the ones tied to your race. But otherwise, it doesnt need much beyond switching the player's class + a weapon appropriate to their level.

  2. 1 hour ago, Crimhare said:

    Believe me - it is insane inconvenience. Being there. Whatever devs do to forcibly restrict recruitment in faction chat players will find a way around. It will only annoy noticeable part of population. Global chat is a must for endgame players being it recruitment or trade. Decisions for spam can be different but not by dividing populace into regions.


    PS: And about game being dead. Dead game doesn't get updates every several months. It doesn't even get crucial patches. Populace may be zombies but that is another matter.

    The thing about zombie populations, is that they scare off fresh blood, while they also rot away. It’s not a sudden death, but the gaming experience has  become more notably dull than couple of years ago, even tho new content has never really stopped comming.  


    I guess that leaving party recruitment without a global chat may not be the best idea... But it really must have it’s own dedicated channel either ways. Preferably one that isn’t restricted between factions.


    Think it would be also neat if the social ones could also get their global chat, but the priority here is to segregate them throughly off from the recruitments, so that players can filter them properly. 

  3. If there are too many players in a single area, then they usually will be split between alternate game channels... That’s what has always been (and still is) being done, don’t see why this should be any different.


    Besides, even if we say the links are automatically blocked in the faction chat, it’s not like players will be completely forbidden to form a party through it... It’d just be more casual, and probably not repeated more than once unless regarded as spam.

  4. Your statement about “faction chat cannot be used”, is irrelevant when Im neither requesting for it’s removal nor when you account the very fact that it is actually usuable.


    People do use it for other things besides spamming links, while people do spam links even outside faction chat. Even the lobbys that you talk about are spammed with links.


    The toll for obligatory region chat wont be that big, when the regions for the relevant dungeons are always crowded with people that are recruiting. It might be inconvenient that you actively have to go to an area before being able to join a party, but the inconvenience there isn’t anywhere as big as being unable to communicate without getting flooded with spam.


    You may say that there isn’t much incentive to chat now, but this lack of incentive isn’t without a reason. No one will bother to talk if they have to scroll through heaps just to find the comment they inded to reply to. But,  people who are only interested in joining any random party that is requesting their dungeon of interest, will do so in any channel where it’s available. 


    There may be other reasons for why this game feels dead, but the spam only makes it worse.  Since the players in this case, practically sounds like lifeless bots, leaving out whatever little life an active chat would have. 


    The faction chat may have not been intended to be the social global chat, but it wasn’t intended to just be a dump of links either. It’s just is whatever it’s used for, but from what I can see, social players are more of a need for a global chat than the dungeon only ones, precisely cause the latter will usually be in regions of their dungeons, while social players may not necessarily want to be joining the party of the people they chat with.


    I do think a truly global chat without faction restrictions would be ideal, but if we are forced to only work with what the game already has, it’s not only easier to change the flow of recruitment, but it also will be the one the will be held back the least by such a change.

  5. You can’t have a competitive plan without being social, while there has been some incentive in the chats to be social, it’s just more times than not overshadowed by the party recruitment spam, because there is literally no way to filter it.


    More people will spend time in lobby, and guess what? It’s not unheard of for players for players to exchange comments, but again, there is the spam for recruitments that cut it off. You talk about a toll in forcing recruitment requests onto region chat, but this filterless recruitment has been a massive  toll in of itself that has only gotten worse with time. Region chat may not be the best option, but I will say that it’s better than alternative of leaving things as is (let alone removing even more filters so that there wil be less aways to avoid it).


    People say that this game feels dead, don’t you think that the overwhelming spam has anything to do with it?

  6. But here is the thing, if you don’t care about the faction chat, you always have the option to filter it off... But as things are now, there is no way to filter off party requests, because they literally swarm every open chat that isn’t the normal one. So you can avoid any cringy comments or conversations you have no interest in, but people have no option whatsoever to talk without having pages worth of links shoved down onto their face. 


    It may not be often that people replies to noob questions, but you know, they actually still do happen occasionally (especially in the less popular Cerulean, that curiously has less bots in then), but again, the motivation to answer will be less when you have to scroll through paragraphs of spam just to answer somebody.


    Cringy and tasteless jokes might suck and all, but at least they make it seem like this game has humans in it and not just faceless bots farming materials. That would motivate more players to socialize with others, and thus more types of conversations can be expected.


    If you cannot say more than a sentence before being drowned out by spam, then the chat is nothing but a joke. So let’s direct the spam to somewhere people actually benefits from it. Giving space not just for tasteless jokes, but for other interactions as well.


    Edit: Just wanted to note that I’m the op, just forgot to change acc back.

  7. Probably cause most people that read the instructions don’t even think that the gifts are supposed to be redeemed.


    I mean, they really make it sound like all you need to do is register and login (not even specifying that they mean the site). There is no mention of a code nor anything like that. I only found out cause other players told me, but the official site itself doesn’t give any proper indication.


  8. There is enough info about how to registrate for the event packs, like the recent Zen Archer Bullseye Pack, but the official site that provides said registration has failed to mention that you need to activate a code in the “unused codes” tab of your ncsoft account page, to actually receive said pack in the game.... Which is pretty confusing for new players, since all the instructions say, is to register and login to receive the gift.


    Basically, I would like to suggest that future event packs should have a more detailed instruction regarding *where you redeem the gift* that you had signed up for, so that you can actually have it in the game.


  9. On 1/19/2017 at 10:26 PM, NightFer said:

    Class change tickets will not be made for bns because its so darn easy to lvlup a new character nowardays.

    It's not so much the ease of the level that is problem with just making a new character, but the amount of farming needed just to have half of the outfits, items and gear again, not to mention the fact that some things aren't just character bound but only accessibly in limited time events. There is also the fact that it takes up an extra character slot, and makes you unable to reuse your name unless you delete your prev character, which would be a waste of all the investments you had put on them....


    Question is, why should it be necessary to do all these extra things, when they could just make a race change voucher that actually works and/or a class change voucher that can be used alongside it as well as on it's own? NC Soft certainly would gain more if players went to buy class change + race change than if they simply went with the free option of starting from scratch with a new character... Which is something nobody except new/returning players exactly likes, but will still resort to when the alternate option either doesn't exist or is too expensive.

  10. Really don't see the point of a race change voucher if it doesn't work for about half of classes.... The fact that this is somehow more expensive than a simple alteration voucher is kinda insulting.


    They should either make it so that you can change to any race regardless of class, or include some class change voucher to make this more useable, among other things.

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