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Posts posted by Noah707

  1. On the topic of pressuring them more, is there a way to contact ncsoft such as by email or a suggestion ticket?



    I would like them back as well as I like doing them along with the main quest/story. We need to put on more pressure to ncsoft or devs to restore them if we want them back to hopefully get a response.

    Edited March 4 by DarkShame2



  2. The blue quests were great for world building and it always made me so happy to see all the jokes and the song references made in the titles of the quests, the numerous dragon ball references etc. If someone didn't want to do them and only do the main story they could choose to do that, there's no reason to get rid of all those side quests, I would very much appreciate having them returned.

    Edit: Possible solution, just do a request board system. "This is where locals will post any help wanted for warriors like you, if you ever want to take a break from your journey maybe you can stop by and help them out"  I just wrote the entirety of new NPC dialogue that would need to be added for that. It wouldn't even have to be voice acted and then using quest boards to receive optional quests but having to hand then in to the NPCs you'd still get to meet everyone but it would avoid any confusion you may be trying to counter by removing the blue quests.

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