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Posts posted by 920773793

  1. 1 minute ago, ElectricPotato said:

    From back when SSP was the "To Be" place to be, sometimes the when one tried to  switch to the channel with the event in progress, one got a "channel full" message.  We called that the "soft player cap".  Grouping with someone in that channel, you could still swap in.  But at some point, the channel hit the "hard player cap", and the trick stopped working.  It really was full at that point.


    So if HR does follow similar player cap logic, the grouping trick will stop working at some point. With word of the handy tip going around, the hard player cap will get hit much, much more quickly.  More players inside means more struggling for mobs, possibly more fighting and killed players being ejected.


    That being said, even if it hits the hard player cap,  likely at no time will the player count drop below the soft cap, so even if you don't get group pulled in instantly, its more likely you'll get in compared to trying solo.

    Sure, abuse it while u can. The clan lords all know this already so it is probably for best to let your average joe know too

  2. 58 minutes ago, SayhaSeer said:

    It's not possible with the current B&S system, they would need to remake of how party instance works, the way it's working right now it works in Korea too. 

    The only reason why in MSP, dungeons or any of the raids is not possible to bypass this it's because leaving a party kicks you out from instance, since Hunter's Refuge player cap is greater then 12 players and does not kick you out from instance when leaving a party it allows players to bypass it, that's how people used to bypass Poharan/Harbor 24 man, While I understand it might not be fair but at the same time they would need to remake of how instance works, if they made system like F8 12/6 man  random party queue or 12/6 man pre-made party enters and battles against other matchmaked 12/6 party then bypassing would be impossible as it would kick you out when leaving a party. 

    They don't have to rework the system, they can easily put a bandage on it by disabling the invite to party feature in lobby

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