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Posts posted by Fzwks

  1. il y a une heure, sakuraya a dit :

    Its been a long time since i posted here but i have to. 

    wtf are you guys doing to the game what is this lvl of incompetence? you nerfed the gold okay but why dungeons are harder than before with less gold and materials. to prepare us for hard mode that doesn't exist because only top 4 dungeon have that mode currently? 

    also why the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ did you remove Ascension orb shard from the daily chest? 

    really disappointed i know its not your fault, its the fault of korean devs who doesn't care about our problems... 

    Not their fault? Look at the KR dailies and weeklies rewards, and the KR's troves rewards, it's their fault.
    Korean people can up 2 max souls, average and burst, we need like 2 years to max one playing like 2 years without CS.
    Wake up NC, WAKE UP!

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